Chapter 40

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I walked calmly towards the airstrip, the guy behind me, his gun back in his pocket or whatever. I walked up the stairs and for one second my hopes were crushed as I didn't see anybody sitting here that would protect me. This meant that Trevor had no idea that something was wrong. I sat down on my spot and the man sat on the spot in front of me. He put the gun on the table and the air hostess walked in and saw the gun. She stared at it and then at me and then back at the gun before looking at the strange man. I saw the panic in her eyes.

"You will not warn anyone about this. You will stay up with the pilot in the cockpit. If you warn anyone of me being here, I will shoot the queen and I will shoot you and the pilot. Even if that means we crash. Do you understand?" The man said and the airhostess nodded as she went towards the cockpit and I looked sideways and I saw all of my stuff and I looked at that.

"Do you mind if I play some background music. I'm anxious of flying and music helps?" I stammered to the man and the man looked back at me and then at the tablet that was laying on the table.

"Sure. I want to see everything you're doing though." He said as the pilot announced we were going to take off soon. I walked up towards my bag and I grabbed my tablet and walked back. I put it on the table so the man could see, my hand shaking, and I tried to think of something that might warn my husbands and suddenly I realised how I was going to do this.

"Do you like the Beatles?" I stammered to the man as I went to spotify. "I'm obsessed with the Beatles. This playlist with the beatles ok?"

"I love the Beatles. You can play the Beatles." He said and I pressed on a playlist called 'this is the Beatles'' and I saw that the song that I had played years ago was seventh and after quick math it meant that it would be on around the 40-minute mark. This meant that my husbands had about 20 minutes to prepare. I played the playlist and I quickly pressed the button that meant that Trevor would be able to listen along to it. I knew that he was with Hugo and William, and I also knew that the two of them knew that I would never want to listen to the Beatles anymore because of the song that was going to be played after this and then obviously the trauma that was 'help'. So, they should know that something was up.

"What is your name?" I asked as the music was playing on the boxes here and I looked at him.

"Gilbert." The man said and I nodded slowly looking at him as I bit my lip for a second.

"Are you hungry or thirsty? I can get something out of the kitchen, or we can go to the kitchen?" I asked and he nodded as he stood up with me as 'hey jude' started and I closed my eyes for a second.

"We can skip this song." Gilbert said as we arrived at the kitchen and I shook my head to look at him.

"No. I like this song. Reminds me of my baby girl." I stammered with tears in my eyes as I made two sandwiches. "What are the names of your babies and how old were they?"

"Gilbert jr was 20, Elena was 15." He said calmly and I nodded slowly at that. "How old was Jude?"

"Around the year. I didn't have a calendar in prison there. We left when she was around the 8 months I think. I'm not sure to be honest." I said as I walked back with him and sat down and I took a bite of my sandwich and I looked at him. "I'm sorry for the loss of your kids and your wife."

"Thank you. But your sorry-ness doesn't change the situation." He spat and I nodded at that as I looked sideways out the window.

"How long have you worked for the Davids?" I asked carefully. "Whom do you work for by the way?"

"I am in duty of Mae Davids and Brian Jefferson. I've worked for them for ten years now." He said calmly and I nodded slowly at that as I took a sip of my drink. "They don't know I'm doing this though."

"Can I skip the rest of this song?' I asked as they kept singing 'Hey Jude'.

"Of course." He said and I skipped it and I moved my head to the music a bit. "How long have you been married to the kings?"

"I'm turning 24 this year, so uhm, almost 6 years actually." I said with a small smile as I looked out the window. "Although it was interrupted for a while there." I said and he giggled a bit at that. "How was Brian during the war?"

"I don't know. We were in Houston." The man said and I nodded slowly at that as we sat in silence as we then heard 'let it be' and I turned it up a bit as I looked at my stuff.

"Do you mind if I put on a shirt? I'm a tad cold?" I asked him and he stared at me and nodded slowly as I grabbed my bag and I saw that there was a new bra and a shirt and I took off my sports bra, my back facing him. I then put on the new bra and I put on a long sleeved shirt and I put on a cardigan after that. I took off these shoes and socks and I put on a new pair of pants, not caring he would see it. It was a pair of joggers as well. I then put on comfortable socks and a pair of simple shoes and I walked back to my seat, taking my shoes off again. I sat straight as I looked at the gun and then him and he was staring out the window. I could grab the gun now and shoot him, but I don't think I have the balls, and if it goes wrong, or if I shoot wrong, then the whole plane will go down. Or even worse, he grabs the gun back and shoots me. I wouldn't want that either. The music then changed into happy music and I held onto my arm a bit as I hoped that Trevor and my wacky connection would tell him I was stressed out. I hoped that Trevor knew what was going on, but I also knew he was in meetings. I let out a small breath as I stared out the window. Then suddenly the song 'help' started and I took a sip of water and kept looking out the window, trying not to show to him how traumatic this song was. But this whole situation was one big trauma. Gilbert sang along softly as he was looking out the window too. In the corner of my eye, I saw that Trevor was calling me, but I turned my phone on silent, I couldn't lie to him; he'd figure it out. We were almost there and I let out a small breath as then 'yesterday' started and after that song I grabbed the tablet and I put it down.

"Whats your favourite song?" I asked him and he looked at me for a second and a small smile appeared on his face

"You might know this song." He said as suddenly I heard the beginning of a song by my father, Brian and Peter, it being called Monster. I nodded slowly at that as I heard Peters voice first and I looked sideways and I mouthed along and as then Brad started. We then got the que that we were almost there and I saw that Trevor had texted me with 'here comes the sun.' and I looked out the window and I saw that the sun was towards the castle side, I didn't know exactly what it meant, but it did make clear to me that they understood and were standing there ready to attack, I think? I didn't know, all I knew is that this might be the last day I'd be alive. I for one second was relieved to see that we were landing in Gotar, staying in Locatlie, instead of him taking me to some random place. I let out a small breath as we were going down the descent and I frowned as I realised what Trevor meant; we were going to land facing the other side, me having to step out on the side where the sun was. Why? I didn't know. I didn't understand any of this. Why couldn't I just have peace and quietness?


Do you think Trev and the other kings know what is going on? What do you think of Gilbert? Will Jules survive this?

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