Chapter 6

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"Good morning filth." Jason said excited a couple of days later. "Did you miss me?" he said as he climbed onto the stage. "I had to ensure some deals in the USA for a bit, but I'm back and all my attention can go to us again, future wifey." He said as he was standing behind me and he put his hands on my breasts and he held onto them tightly.

The past few days when he did not visit me, the day was slightly more bearable. The other world leaders did their shit, called me some names, laughed at me, humiliated me, but that was it. Jason on the other hand knew just what to say to make me feel like complete and utter shit. Any hope of being saved had disappeared in the past weeks, Jason had made sure of that.

"You know, you do have your mothers ass. I heard that the security guards had their fun with her and that sublime ass of hers. When I was younger, I overhead my dad talking about that cheap ass of your mothers with your father. I never understood why men would be attracted to asses though, the tits are what I live for." He said as he held onto my tits tighter, whispering it in my ear. "Luckily your tits will do." He said as he bit my neck and I closed my eyes, my body shaking at his touch. "Don't be scared Willow." He whispered in my ear as I felt his dick against my butt. "You're safe with us, at least you know your worth here, at least you get fucked, at least you know your place." He said as he inserted himself in me, my body shaking in pain. "With them they'd pretend you're anything more than the filth you are, that religion of women being holy is bull shit." He said as he got out of me and then slowly went in me again. "If they found you now, they'd be here to hurt you, they'd punish you. I don't know what goes down in that prison with that barbarian fucktard you called your husband, but I'm sure you know what they do to filthy whores like you." He said and he slammed it hard into me and I yelled it out in pain and he laughed against my neck. My body was shaking because of the coldness and the pain, but also because I couldn't help but sob it out. "You're ours now, forever and always." He said and he held onto my tits harder and just as he was about to slam into me again, a loud blaring was heard and the white lightthingies that were on the side of the room, suddenly became red. Jason let go of me right away. "What is going on?" He snapped and someone ran towards a computer screen that was here and I looked up at the camera, the light being blue again. Why was the light blue?

I then heard shooting and my eyes widened in shock.

"Locatlie." The Spanish prime minister stammered looking at Jason and Jasons eyes widened as I looked up now, my eyes widening.

"It seems that they're here to take this whore to punish her for her crimes." Jason said looking at me and I stared at the blue light again, but it was red now.

I saw all the world leaders grabbing guns and putting on vests. The panic was clear in their eyes. Their security guards weren't here right now, it was only about 50 of the most disgusting middle-aged men whom had never fought in their life. They stood ready to shoot and defend themselves, but it was too late.

The moment they stood ready to shoot, the door had already been opened and a small ball was thrown in. The moment the ball hit the floor, the lights were turned off and smoke appeared everywhere.

They were here; Trevor had once told me about tactics like this, to get a hostage out safely. They were here to get me and punish me for being a filthy whore. I didn't want to be tortured again. Right now, my life was a series of dicks in me, but at least I wasn't being physically abused. In Gotar, I would lose everything, they knew what they were doing. They didn't have heart trackers here, here they could make a mistake and accidentally kill me. But in Gotar, they wouldn't. They would keep me alive forever, and force me to watch my three husbands be with another woman.

I looked up at the chains that were holding me up and I tried to pull on them. I had never dared to do that before, because the punishment didn't seem worth it. But right now, I couldn't be punished. I heard loads of screaming and struggling, but I ignored that as I tried to get lose. I kept pulling the chain over and over again, but I barely had strength and it wasn't budging at all.

I jumped up a bit, landing on my pained feet, but it didn't work. It didn't work. I was a shooting duck here, they could 'accidentally' kill me and my life would be over. But would that be so bad? I would be with my parents, my sisters, and my little Jude and Oliver. At least I'd be free from the pain that I was sure to suffer in the upcoming years of my miserable life?

Before I could even make a choice on what was better for me, the lights in the room turned on. Not the small dimmed lights that were normally in this room, no the full blast spotlight lights. I closed my eyes as I wasn't adjusted to the intensity of this light, and after blinking loads of times, my eyes were finally ready to take in the light.

The first thing I noticed was the aroma of pee and shit spreading this room. It was disgusting and it made me gag. The second thing I noticed were the fifty world leaders of the United League that were here. The fifty of them were all placed on their knees, their hands tied to their backs, ductape on their mouths. I looked at all their pants and they were all wet and I realized that it was their pee that filled the room. I blinked as I looked at all of them, and the person closest to me was Jason. His blue eyes looked at me and I stared back at him, wondering how he was feeling.

Jason's eyes showed pure and utter fear. He seemed petrified about what was going to happen now and I didn't understand that. Didn't they win the war? Didn't he live peacefully here as part of a summit? Why would he be scared? Had he done something wrong? They weren't here to hurt him; they were here to hurt me.

I looked away from him though as I looked straight ahead and I saw about seventy men in black suits, wearing the Locatlie bulletproof outfits. Thirty of them had guns pointed to the fifty world leaders that were here, the other forty were standing straight as if they were waiting for something. Something that I noticed though, was that nobody was looking at me. I was probably too disgusting, too much of a disgrace to be looked at.

A full minute later of me observing the room, the forty men all kneeled and that's when I knew what they were waiting for; they were here. I looked at the fifty men and the fear in their eyes became insane now.

The door opened and my heart was beating a million beats per minute. Two men walked in, both wearing the bullet proof attire, but I knew they weren't two normal men; the way they walked, the way they stood, I knew that they were two of the three kings of Locatlie.

I was fucked.


The kings are here! Who is excited for the reunion???

How do you think the kings are going to react?

How do you think Jules is going to (re)act?

What do you think the 'captured' world leaders are going to do?

What are your predictions for the upcoming chapters?

Will the kings themselves tell the truth about their nightly adventures? Or will Jules have to find out for herself? Will she even find out?

So much exciting stuff is going to happen! I can't wait for ya'll to read it!!!

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