Chapter 15

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Jasmine P.O.V

She climbed up the ladder and her eyes right away told me that something was wrong. She climbed over the step and she fell through her feet, landing on the floor with her knees, her arms on the pavement her head down and she started to sob.

"Fuck." I said and I ran up to her and I put my hand on her back. "Julia. What do you need? Julia?"

"LEAVE" She screamed through her sobs and for one second, I thought she was telling me to leave, but then she put her hands on her head, as if she was telling her own mind to let the memories of those 15 months leave. "STOP IT. STOP IT." She repeated over and over again. "I can't do anything. I want to. Please. Stop crying." She said through her sobs and again I thought she was talking to me, as tears were streaming down my face. I grabbed my phone from my pocket.

"Julia. Who do you need right now? Who can help you?"

"Trevor. Trevor. Trevor help me. Trevor save me. Trevor, you promised." She said to herself and I nodded slowly. Trevor could help her, probably? I didn't know how her relationships with my brothers were and I knew that them all cheating on her while she was being tortured wouldn't help their bonds. The only one that I knew for certain would've understood was Lea, as she was immensely close to her.

I dialed up Hugo's number though, as he was the only one that could fly a helicopter and it was needed.

"What?" He snapped annoyed, as I had woken him up. His annoyance probably disappeared as he heard his wife screaming out for help over and over again. "Where are you Jasmine? What did you do?"

"She came to my bed, asking if I could take her to Prangie. She jumped off of a cliff. She's asking for Trevor. Can you bring him and William over please?"

"Jasmine. For fucks sake." Hugo said annoyed. "Why on earth would you take her to Prangie?"

"She sounded so desperate. I can't. I'm sorry." Jasmine said. "Please just come, she's scaring me and she's hurting herself."

"I'll be there in an hour." He said and he hung up and I held onto Julia as she was sobbing like a total lunatic, and I was afraid she might hurt her chest or her throat.

"Stop it. Stop it." She kept saying for a while before it changed to 'Save me." She didn't stop sobbing and it scared the shit out of me. I didn't realise how much pain a person could endure, but then again, the shit she has been through, it didn't surprise me much.

I heard a car speeding up to us and I turned my head and I saw Trevor running out of the car he had come in, only wearing underwear. Under other circumstances I would've found this humorous, but right now I just needed him to help me.

"What happened?" He said panicked as Julia was currently muttering 'Save me' while her body was shaking.

"She jumped off of the cliff. Came up and she broke." I said as I backed away, sliding back on my bum. Trevor grabbed her arms and put them on his chest.

"Hey. Hey. I'm here. I'm here. Breathe." Trevor said as I saw Hugo and William, both dressed, walking up. They both stopped walking the moment that they saw Julia full on sobbing, hanging over Trevor's legs and begging to be saved over and over again. The pain that flashed their faces, it hurt me. I looked at Trevor whom rubbed her back.

"It's ok. I'm here. Nobody will hurt you. I will protect you." He said after two minutes and that seemed to silence her and calm her. Or so we thought. She suddenly backed away and pushed Trevor and stood up. Trevors eyes widened as he saw Julia now looking furious.

"You said you would always protect me." She said as Trevor tried to stand up but she pushed him down. "You lied to me. You lied to me. You lied to me. You didn't save me. You didn't save me." She said as he stood up and she kept pushing him. He kept his arms behind his back and looked at her hurting him. Although I doubted it physically hurt. I looked at Trevor and I could see he was allowing this because we thought it would help her, at least I think so. "Why didn't you come save me! I played HELP over and over again! You had ten minutes. You promised you'd always be listening." She screamed at him. "They took me. They took me and my sisters. They took my parents. They took Jude" She said as her voice broke now. "FIGHT BACK YOU COWARD." She then yelled at him and he stared at her shocked now. "They- I." She said as her hands were in her hair, she looked deranged. "You promised you would save me, but you didn't come save me. You promised me I'd be safe, but I wasn't. You knew where I was but you didn't come get me. Why didn't you come get me?" She whimpered.

"I'm sorry." Trevor said, his voice shaking. "You're right. I failed. I am so sorry."

"No no no no" She said shaking her head and looking around, trying to clear her mind. "No. You don't understand. You don't understand." She said as she looked at Trevor. This was scary, she was scaring me. I looked at Hugo and William whom both stared at Trevor worriedly. "I was on the island. You knew where I was. You knew I was there, waiting for you. For you." She said desperately. "But you never came. You let them fly by and bomb Hawaii, but you didn't take me back. I had to be home. You said you'd get me home. But they flew by me. They flew right by me. I screamed, begged them to take me. But they didn't. Why didn't they take me back? Why couldn't I come home?" She said and she sounded like a little kid now. "You didn't want me, anymore did you? You still don't want me? You want someone else. That's fine. That's fine. I understand. I have to go"

"Julia-" Trevor said but before he could stop her she jumped off of the cliff and he looked at me with his eyes widened. "What the fuck did you do?" He snarled at me.

"She asked me in the same way she just talked to you to go here, I couldn't say no." I whimpered and Hugo took off his shirt as he then jumped down as well and I frowned at that as I looked over the edge and I saw that he was still underwater. The sun was rising and I looked at William whom was looking at Trevor with a pained expression.

"LEAVE ME ALONE." She screamed. "GO TO YOUR PRECIOUS HEATHER" and I closed my eyes at that and William took a deep breath. "ALL OF YOU LEAVE ME. YOU DON'T CARE. YOU ALL WERE FUCKING OTHER WOMEN WHEN I WAS- YOU DON'T CARE. SO DON'T PRETEND YOU DO." I heard her scream and I looked at Trevor and William whom both looked pained. "You don't understand." I heard her state and she was closer. "They don't understand. But I can't make them understand. They don't care. They don't- I can't be with them. They shouldn't feel that way." She said and she climbed off of the ladder and she ran past us.

"What?" I said looking at Trevor whom closed his eyes and William then couldn't' handle it and he ran after her, and caught up to her easily and he grabbed her from the back.

"LET GO OF ME. LET GO OF ME. LET GO OF HER. NO. DON'T TOUCH HER. NO. NO." She screamed and I looked at Hugo whom climbed off and he looked like he was in pain and there was blood coming from his nose, but he ignored me as he walked up towards Julia and William and Trevor was standing there as well. "Let go of me. Let go of me. I won't resist. I won't resist. Just let her go. Just let her go." She begged as she was trying to fight William whom accepted all the punches, but kept hold of her. I stood next to Trevor and I put my hand on his back and he looked sideways for a second, before he looked at Julia.

"Love. It's me. It's me. William. Breathe." He said in his calm voice, not his king voice, but his loving voice. "You're safe. You're safe. You're in Locatlie. You're in Prangie. You're not there anymore. You're in my arms. You're safe." He said and she stopped fighting. "You're safe. You're with me now. It's all going to be ok. I've got you. I've got you until the day you die ok love? I will be here right by your side helping you through this." He said and tears rolled down my cheeks. "We all will be. We will do anything to make sure you're happy. Just breathe. Good. Like that. I'm proud of you love. You're safe now babygirl. You're safe. I've got you. I've got you. Lean on me. Good good. Good." I heard him state as I heard her crying again. "You're safe in my arms. I'll never leave your side; we will never leave your side. No one will ever hurt you again. You're safe. You're free." He said and I put my head on Trevors shoulder and he then put his arm around me and held onto me tightly as I couldn't help but sob. This poor girl.

She then turned around and held onto Williams shirt as she started to cry and she kept repeating 'Where were you?' over and over again.

This girl had been to hell and back and it was all because of our family.


So, that was a wild ride! What did you think of the 'second reunion' with Jules and the Kings? And their responses to her pain, and her responses to the different kings trying to help her? Did it surprise you that Will was the one whom could calm her down? Or do you think it has nothing to do with Will, but rather the situation?

Loves and kisses!

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