Chapter 50

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In the middle of the night, I woke up and I couldn't fall back asleep. My mind was just too full right now. I was laying against Trevor and I felt Will's arm around me. I slowly let go of Trevor and Will, sitting up. I looked sideways and I couldn't help but let a small smile appear on my face as I saw Hugo was spooning William. I climbed out of my bed carefully and looked down, realising I was still wearing my bloody shirt. I walked out of Trevor's room and his place as I walked up towards the closest one; Williams. I took off the shirt and I turned on the shower, letting the water heat up before getting under it. All the blood vanished from my body, scrubbing it trying to get rid of the dirt that was there, both physically and mentally, and after a while I didn't feel as dirty anymore. I got out of the shower and dried myself. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were bloodshot, my lips were slightly bigger and It looked like I had cried for hours, which I had done but still.

I went to Williams' closet here and after a while I found a shirt I wanted to wear. I put on a pair of his socks and a pair of his underwear. I put my hair in two inverted braids and I walked through his place here. I didn't spend much time in his wing here, as this was Gotar and Trevor's territory. After a while I decided to snoop in Hugo's wing and I found one of my favourite beanies of his lying next to his bed. I grabbed it and put it on. I walked to his closet and I grabbed one of his cardigans. I frowned as I saw a box that I didn't recognise. I grabbed it and on it it had my name on it. I opened it up and I saw rollerskates. I smiled as I traced them and I slowly and carefully put them on. I stood up and I moved a bit, a smile transforming on my face. I rolled out of his wing and went down the stairs to the main area. On the table I saw William's phone and I knew he had spotify on there. I grabbed it and his headphones and I put them on. I roller skated through the castle with music, doing some flips and turns and stuff like that.

My whole body was sore and yet it felt like I was as light as a feather. My worries slowly started to disappear as well. I arrived in the ballroom and I smiled at the memories of the 'welcome home' party that I had given. So much had changed since then.

I giggled as I heard a song called 'don't you want me' and I danced excitedly, my arms in the air as I sang along softly, at least I thought softly. I later heard that I was basically screaming but right now I didn't care. When the chorus came on, I stood on one foot and I twirled around for a full minute before putting my other foot on the floor. A song by a friend of mums, Jennifer Lopez, started and I cheered at that as I heard my dad's voice and I rapped along excited, laughing at hearing his voice.

"Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got." I sang along 'softly' and I then rollerskated towards the kitchen, nobody actually here. I opened the fridge and looked at everything that we had, but I wasn't in the mood for actual food, even if I was hungry. I went to the snacks area and I grabbed a bag of crips and cookies and holding those I went back to the ballroom. A song by Abba started and I cheered at that as I put a cookie in my mouth as I kept skating, as if I was skating away from my problems.

After about half an hour a song named 'hot stuff'' by my paternal grandmother started and I turned around and something caught my eye, so I stood frozen, taking off the headphones in the process. Hugo was standing against the leaning of the door looking at me with that absolutely adorable smile. He was only wearing his underwear and his hair was all over the place.

"Good morning? Evening? Night?" I said with a huge smile as I skated backwards to the speakers.

"It's 6." He said amused. "Lovely singing."

"You heard that?" I said a tad worried as I put Will's phone by the speaker and softly put on the music.

"We woke up because of it hun." He said and my eyes widened. "Good to hear your voice is back though." He added and I giggled as I twirled around. "I see you found your rollerskates?"

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant