Chapter 29

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I walked onto the grounds of the Prangie castle, having just flown back from Brusta. It was currently March and I had stayed at Brusta for another two months. It was a long time, but it was definitely needed. I got the clarity I needed and the peace and quietness. I walked towards the backdoor and I dropped my bag on the floor of the hallway here. I went towards the dining area, hoping that my husbands were there, but when I arrived there, they weren't there. King Simon was though and he looked up and did a double take before a smile appeared on his face.

"Julia." He said and I did something that would probably make him feel uncomfortable, but I didn't care about that, I walked up to him and hugged him from the back, as he stayed seated. I held onto him tightly and he very uncomfortably put his hands on my arms. "Hey girl." He said.

The two of us had never been that close in the first three years of marriage with my kings. I had an immensely great bond with Lucas and Steven understood me but he was calmer as well. Simon was a tad distant but that was mainly because he was just immensely reserved.

"Where are Will, Hugo and Trev?" I asked as I leaned against the table looking at him and he stared back at me and he let out a breath.

"Trevor is in Gotar and will stay there for a while. He believes it's better to give you some space to deal with Hugo and William," He said carefully and I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket, nodding slowly. "Without him present. He's having difficulty with that and thinks that he can't control his impulses and emotions and he doesn't want to hurt you." I nodded slowly understanding his motives. "Hugo is currently in Mexico for a trip, he will be there for another four nights." He said and I frowned at that but nodded slowly. "Will has the day off and is in the library I believe."

"O. Ok. Steven and Lucas?" I asked and he smiled at me asking that.

"Lucas is in Gotar obviously. Steven is visiting Louise I believe." He said and I nodded slowly.

"How are you? I heard that you found someone?" I said as I took another bite of my apple and a small smile appeared on his face.

"I'm doing well and yes I met someone." He said and I nodded slowly at that and I stared ahead.

"You had another girl you liked more in the Process, right?" I asked and I looked at Simon whom stared at me with a small grimace.

"Yes. Her name was Violet." He replied calmly.

"What happened to her?"

"She died about two years after my marriage to Patricia." He said calmly and my eyes widened a bit. "An accident."

"I'm sorry about that." I said very carefully and he giggled a bit, in such a Hugo way which made me smile. "Do you regret choosing Patricia?"

"Never." Simon said right away. "The moment that it was clear to me that Patricia would be the one, I was happy."

"Were you the only one that voted for Violet?"

"Yes." He said with a huge smile on his face as he stared ahead. "But then again she would've been a disasterous queen."

"And you wanted to be with her even though you knew that?" I said and he looked at me with a small smile.

"The heart wants what it wants sometimes." He said and I giggled at that and nodded staring ahead. "How are you?" he asked carefully and I let out a deep breath.

"I'm ok. It's difficult for me right now to deal with all of this to be honest, well it was. I think I've gotten a better grip on it." I said as I stared at a painting that was hanging there. "But it's difficult to be in a relationship with three guys in general, factor into that that they're kings and there is a certain pressure with that, and then take into account that they all betrayed me." I said staring ahead. "And ignoring my personal trauma that I have to deal with."

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