Chapter 53

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"Can I ask you something weird?" William asked as I was laying in his arms, my eyes closed as I was fucking exhausted. I mmhd in exhaustion. "Well, you have trauma with physical intimacy. You saw the guys that misused you yesterday, but in the past 24 hours you've been with Trev, Hugo and I. I was just wondering why that uhm- With your trauma?" he asked carefully. I nodded slowly at that as I put my hand in his hair that was still wet from the sweat.

"Replace bad memories with good ones." I whispered softly as I pressed my lips on his chest. "Any time I feel like complete and utter shit regarding being raped, I try to think of the good memories. My mind yesterday was anything but happy, but now I'm happy." I whispered softly. "Trev, Hugo and you make my brain less fuzzy, that part of the trauma can be dealt with so to speak with having sex with you. Which might sound weird but it does. I am basically using the three of you to deal with my trauma." I whispered. "I also, basically all my traumatic experiences were in boxes that I closed up, but my head was too full. With the help of Polly I dealt with most boxes, apart from two." I said.

"Which were?" He whispered.

"The rape. She couldn't fix that. The three of you do." I whispered back, fuck I was exhausted. "The second box was Jude. She didn't know it either, I told Trev a couple of days ago but I still felt as if it was in my brain. But now that Hugo and you know as well, that box is slightly empty. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My mind is clearer." I said.

"I'm happy your mind is clearer." He whispered softly and I smiled at that. "And I for one, don't mind being used to replace bad memories with good memories." He joked and I couldn't help but giggle.

"That's such a Trevor thing to say." I muttered.

"We are triplet brothers love." He whispered back and I smiled at that.

"I know, but still." I whispered. "I love you William."

"Will and Will." He joked and I frowned at that. "William and Willow." He said carefully and I was silent for a second, processing that, and I then couldn't help but burst out into laughter, even if my body was tired. I leaned back and looked at him and stared into those telling green eyes of his.

"Will and Will." I confirmed as I leaned forward and pressed my lips onto his, giving him a couple of pecks. I leaned my head against his shoulder again as I whispered. "This Will is going to sleep now as she's been ruined by three very excited Kings."

"Mm." William said. "Good idea."

"I have them every now and then." I whispered and he giggled as he gave my forehead a kiss before I drifted in a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up, the bed I was in was empty, which confused me. I sat up carefully, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I stretched my arms as I looked sideways and I saw a note in William's perfect handwriting. I grabbed it and smiled very widely.

Hey Love. I'm in B3. If you want to come visit, you are more than welcome. I love you x

I stood up and went to the shower and rinsed myself off before going to his closet. I grabbed a pair of my tights and put that on and then a simple black bra. I grabbed one of his buttoned up shirts and put that on. I put my hair in two inverted braids and put on a beanie. I grabbed a pair of military boots as I called it and put them on before walking down the stairs. There was still something wrong though, a box that I had not opened up yet, prolonging it because the pain it would cause me. But I had to do it.

"Excuse me." I said to a security guard in front of the house. "You may address." I added as the security guard didn't even dare to look at me. The moment I uttered those three words, he turned his head to me. "I'd like to have security for a trip to Gotar City." I said and he nodded as he said something in his ear. "I'd like to leave in five minutes if that is possible, from Gotar Prison." I asked and he nodded as I walked towards the airstrip. It was slightly chilly, but not something I couldn't handle with. I looked out at the country that I had fallen in love with and I let out a couple of deep breaths. This was my home, this was my place, this was where I belonged.

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora