Chapter 45

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt well rested. I hadn't felt like this in such a long time. And this was all thanks to the man whom was currently holding onto me tightly. I was laying on my side, and Trevor was spooning me, his left leg between my legs and the right one around me. His left arm was under my head and holding onto my left, while the right arm was wrapped around my waist tightly. His face was against my shoulder and I could hear him softly snoring in my ear, it being a sound that I had missed so much.

I turned around and he raised his right arm and leg to let me do so, and I put my legs in between his legs now and I wrapped my arm around his waist, burying my head in his chest.

"Good morning." He whispered softly as I traced his back, his arm and leg going down again, his right hand now on my back and he put his hand under my shirt and started to trace my back.

"Good morning." I whispered back as I gave his chest a kiss. "I want to lay like this forever." I sighed dramatically after a while. He leaned down with his head and gave the top of my head a kiss.

"I do have to leave soon and go to Gotar." He whispered back and I made a fart sound.

"No you don't, Will and Hugo can deal with Argentina and Chile today." I whispered back and he chuckled slightly.

"You underestimate me, and overestimate Will and Hugo." He said and I giggled as I leaned back, placing my head on his arm, to look at his perfect face.

"I think you overestimate yourself and underestimate Will and Hugo." I said as I put my hand on his cheek now, rubbing my thumb against it.

"mmm." He said and I smiled very widely looking at his perfect face, his blonde curls all over the place.

"Please stay here with me." I asked after a minute of silence, his eyes still closed and thoroughly enjoying holding me. "You deserve some days off, and I deserve some days with my hubby." I said as I put my forehead against his chin and he let out a breath. "They can call you if something needs to happen, but do you really want to sit around waiting for something to happen, when you can lay here in bed with me all day?"

"You do make a valid point." He said and I smiled as I bit my top lip.

"I tend to do that." I replied casually and he giggled as he leaned back a bit and I frowned as he reached out his arm to the nightstand that was here, his arm not around me, which annoyed me. He grabbed his phone and he dialed up a number, putting his phone against his ear.

"Yes?" William said and I smiled at that.

"I'm taking a couple of days off. I don't know how many. You can call me if something drastic happens."

"And why are you taking a couple of days off?" William said amused, almost in a tone of 'what the fuck does Trev think?'.

"Because our wife wants my attention and I'd rather cuddle with her than look at your face"

"Trev don't be a dick." I sighed at that and William giggled before I took the phone. "I just need Trevor for a day or two. You can call him if something happens ok?"

"Yeah that's fine. How are you?" William asked.

"Good. I'll see you whenever ok? I'm going to annoy Trevor again?"

"Sounds good. Love you."

"Love you too." I said and I hung up the phone and threw it behind me, looking directly in Trevors eyes when doing that.

"You infuriate me." He sighed as he held onto me again and I smiled as he rubbed my waist.

"Your dick says otherwise." I replied casually after a while as he was immensely hard.

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