Chapter 3

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The halls of the castle of Gotar were the same as in my memory. The paintings on the wall had on not changed, the smell still felt like home. This was my home. I walked up the stairs I've walked up hundreds of times in my life, looking around my shoulder to see if this was all a trap. But it wasn't a trap, I was home. After ten seconds, my doubt and fear overtook me and I ran towards Trevor's bedroom.

I opened the door and Trevor was laying there, his blonde curls all over the place, his arms spread like he always had in his sleep, but normally I would be in his arms.

"Babe?" I said with the biggest smile ever as he rolled over to the other side, like he always did. His body was drawn to my body, responding to my voice. "Babe" I repeated as I climbed into the bed, climbing under the covers and I put my hand on his chest. Tears appeared in my eyes as he opened his eyes, his blue eyes finding mine. My heart beat like it always did when I was around him; steady and yet it felt like I had a heart problem. My body couldn't deal with this anymore.

"Julia?" He said shocked and the biggest smile appeared on my face as he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him and I laughed as I buried my head in his chest. "What are you doing here? When did you get here? What?" He asked shocked as he grabbed my face and he looked into my eyes.

"They released me." I said without thinking. "After the bombing in Tampa past Monday, and the bombing in the other five cities, they realised that it was better to release me. Your plan worked, you saved me." I added, I had no idea what I was saying, but it made sense, I guess? "Just like I imagined you would" I added touching his cheeks. He closed his eyes to take in my touch, and I understood that.

"Where were you?" He asked and the way he happily said that, made my heart beat another fastened beat. I put my legs in between his and I wiped tears from his cheeks.

"They took us to an island by Russia, kept us there. But we're all safe and ok. My parents and sisters are currently in the family wing. Hugo has Jude." I said with a huge smile and his eyes widened.

"You saw Will and Hugo already?" He asked confused and I frowned for a second before nodding. I had, right?

"Will was the first one that saw me, we couldn't give a notice. They didn't want to inform you guys yet. We were put in a plane and the moment I walked out of the airplane, I realised I was in Locatlie, in Gotar. I ran to the castle and William just came out of his place." I said my eyes wide in excitement and the biggest smile appeared on his face. "He said you had a late night, so to go to Hugo first. Hugo walked out in that moment and I hugged him. Said we'd talk later. I wanted to go to you, all I thought about was you, being with you. You're my everything. I've missed you so much Trevor." I sighed as I leaned forward doing what I had dreamt of for years now. I pressed my lips onto his perfect lips, and he right away held onto me tighter, his hand in my hair. "I've missed you so much." I whispered as I bit his underlip. "I don't want to talk right now, the only thing I want is you." I added and a smile appeared on his lips.

"That can happen." He said and he rolled on top of me. His lips met my neck, and I put my hands on his back. Fucking hell, I had missed this touch. Nobody could compare to him. All my worries ebbed away, as his lips met mine again. The only thing I needed was his skin, his touch, his scent, his lips. I wanted nothing more in life than be with him. He took off my pants and he kissed my thighs before he leaned forward and started to suck on my clit. My name escaped his mouth several times and it was so hot. I closed my eyes in ecstasy, before I felt him in me and that felt uncomfortable.

"I'm so happy you're back." He moaned as he kissed me down there again.

"Back?" I asked confused and I opened my eyes and Trevor wasn't on top of me but someone else and he was rough, his touch wasn't the same, he wasn't my Trevor.

"TREVOR HELP ME" I screamed as I tried to get away from this man, but someone held my arms down, I couldn't' fight it anymore.

"Julia." I heard the voice say and I blinked a couple of times and I realised I was in the 'fuck room' as I had named it, and I was being defiled at the moment. Trevor wasn't here with me, Trevor wouldn't come and save me, and tears started to stream down my face as I felt someone else touching me.

I needed Trevor. Give me Trevor, I prayed to Seglusa.

I shut my mind off again, thinking about anything but what was happening to me. Seglusa, take me, or give me back to my husbands. All I wanted was be with them again, what did I do to deserve this? Why couldn't they save me?


So, we  just  experienced the dream again. What do you think it means?

What do you expect to happen now?

The chapters are slightly shorter than you're used to me. But they'll get back to 2-3k words soon enough! 

Loves and kisses xoxo

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