Chapter 52

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I had situated myself in Will's bathtub. I had a bottle of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries and some melted chocolate as an extra. I dipped my finger in it and sucked on it as Will walked in. He leaned against the door opening staring at me with that totally loved up look. I showed him the cutest smile ever in my opinion as I popped my finger out of my mouth.

"This is the best way to come home from work." He said with a huge smile as he took off his shirt. "I'm going to rinse off really quickly ok?" he said as he leaned down giving me a peck and I nodded. "tastes great." he added as he dipped his finger in the chocolate and put it against my nose. I giggled as he undressed and took a quick rinsing shower. I let the bubbles of the bathtub surround me and I put my head back, picking a rose pedal from my arm and placing it next to the candles I had lit. He walked out of the shower and he walked towards the bathtub. He sat in front of me and I right away went towards him with a chocolate covered strawberry and I fed it to him. He bit it and chewed as I threw the green part on the floor next to us, making him giggle. I put my bum at the same place where his legs were and I crossed my legs.

"How was work?" I asked as I poured in champagne for the two of us.

"Exhausting." He sighed as I handed him a glass and we toasted before we both took a sip. He told me all about Argentina and Chile and what was going on and I listened. I knew that after a long work day he liked to tell me everything that happened, as a way of releasing the stress. I dipped my finger in the melted chocolate and opened my mouth to showcase what he had to do. He opened his mouth and I put my finger in it, him sucking on it. I released my finger and licked off the last part.

"How was your day?" He asked as he grabbed a chocolate covered strawberry and let me take a bite. I moaned as he threw it away.

"It was exhausting as well, but I won't bother you with those details. I did want to discuss something with you, or rather hypothetically discuss it." I said and a small smile appeared on his face.

"What do you want to know love?" he said as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear and he grabbed my face. I gave his palm a kiss, before putting my arms over his right knee, his hand staying by my cheek.

"If I do decide I want to have children, what would be the smartest thing to do?" I asked as he fed me another strawberry.

"In what sense?" He asked as I finished chewing.

"You promised Trev and I that we would get the next child, but that was when we had Ollie, so we had a leader king." I said and he nodded slowly. "I think it wouldn't be smart if my potential son with Trevor would be leader king, as being leader and security king is a lot." He frowned at that.

"There have been kings before that have mixed them." He said and I nodded slowly at that as he held out his finger, it being covered in chocolate. I sucked on it and he licked the last part. I stared into those amazing green eyes, and I barely saw any green in them. I knew that it had been weeks, almost months, for him since we had done anything. That had an effect on me, but right now all I wanted was to talk to him, at least that's what I was telling myself. "If you do want to get pregnant, we could also do a petridish situation." William said carefully as I nodded looking at him. "And after that you can have children without having to worry about it." He explained and I sighed and nodded. "But you don't want that do you?"

"No." I confirmed. "If I do decide to get children, I want them naturally. Or at least, the first three pregnancies I guess?"

"Yeah." He confirmed looking at me. "Whenever you're ready, the four of us can sit together and discuss what might be the smartest course of action. I would advise you to stop worrying about it, you've got enough on your mind as it is." He put his hands on my face and put my hair away from my face, making me giggle. I leaned forward and pressed my lips onto his and we slowly made out for a bit. I bit his underlip as I let go of his lips.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For kissing you back?" He asked amused. "The horror." He added and I giggled as I gave him another peck.

"For always having my back no matter what. Even before all this shit, you always had my back." I said putting my hands on his knees lowering them and he obliged. "And yesterday in the circle ring of fire hell whatever it is. Seriously so confusing by the way." I stated as I sat up and decided to sit on his lap, putting my arms over his shoulders. I felt his hard dick against my stomach and he was staring at me with that hunger. "And just now. You're amazing Will." I said as I grabbed the melted chocolate and put my finger in it and held it in front of his mouth. He leaned forward and he sucked on my finger.

"I'll always have your back." He said as he then put two of his fingers in the chocolate and he held it in front of me. "You're my wife. You're my life. I mean, why would I make your life difficult, if I can make it easier by always having your back?" he asked as I licked the tip of his finger before taking his fingers in, looking at him. "And you make it very difficult to love you so you know." He said, his voice wavering a tad, and his dick twitched against my stomach.

"That is very true." I said holding up his hand to lick some last part from his finger, going all the way up though. He gulped at my movement. "But still. I want to thank you for always having my back." I said and he nodded as I grabbed some more chocolate and put them on my lips, which gave him permission to press his lips onto mine. And he was hungry for it, and not the chocolate. His hands found my waist and he pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held onto his hair as he kissed my neck softly before going back up.

Out of nowhere he stood up and I held onto him tighter as he walked out of the bathtub and towards the bedroom. He placed me softly on the bed and looked into my eyes.

"I love you Jules." He whispered as I put my hands on his chest, staring into those perfect green eyes.

"I love you Will." I whispered back and a huge smile appeared on his face as he leaned down and pressed his lips onto mine. I held onto him tight as his hand slid down to my clit and he rubbed it a bit, a moan escaping from my mouth. He then went down and he groaned.

"So fucking wet." He moaned.

"For you." I moaned back as he inserted one finger. "I need you Will. Forever and always."

"For you?" He asked as he spread my legs. "Always."


We're almost nearing the end! After this four more chapters to go+ the epilogue... But... We're still missing two vital characters that we haven't seen or spoken about. Any guesses on whom we're missing? 

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now