Chapter 2

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It was hard to keep my sanity and my hopes up. With every passing day, it got harder and harder to have any belief that my husbands would save me. They were the most powerful country in the world. They could hack anything and everything. Trevor, my Trevor, once mentioned to me that no country could actually use their nukes, because they had control of them. During their fathers' reign there had been speculation that Locatlie was making nukes and there were loads of discussions with major countries. But we didn't need to make nukes, we had control over all of them in the world. If they could do that, bypass all the security for the most prized possessions in the world, they could find me right?

I had seen camera's hanging in the hallways of the other prisoners when they brought me to another floor to have all the prisoners have their way with me. If my husbands did some digging, they should know where I am. So why didn't they come and save me? Was it because the love they had for me was all an act?

The cold floor was my only stability in this hell hole, the cold floor was the only time I had peace and quietness from the outside world towards me. But it came with a high price; I was alone with my mind. It had been weeks, maybe months,  since I had heard screaming or any noise from my family members. It had been weeks, maybe months,  since I had seen them alive and well. It had been weeks, maybe months,  since that awful smell had left my room.

I rolled onto my back and I stretched my frail weak body. I had lost loads of weight, my ankles and knees looking frail. I could count my ribs easily, feel them piercing through my skin. I had scars all over my body, my whole body had been slashed open several times. They had taken one of my fingers, my ring finger on the right hand, with my wedding ring. Any proof of my love with them had been taken away. My stomach was full with scars as well, they had slashed it open, but also used mice and a bucket. I tried to forget the pain that that caused me. They stopped just before they got to my intestines. My hair had been shaved off, making me bald, and I hated it. I hadn't seen my face in weeks, maybe months, but I had this feeling that my too large eyes for my head, popped even more.

I sat up slowly looking at my fresh wounds on my arms, tracing them, before tracing my old wounds. This would never heal. If I would ever be saved, then I would have to live the rest of my life with the reminder that I had once again had no control of my own body. I looked at my feet, and I knew the bottom of them had been slashed open as well. They did that to make sure that I couldn't run, every step hurting more than the next.

I was living with constant physical pain coursing through my body, making the seconds last longer than I ever imagined they could be. It was a hell in here, it was complete and utter hell here and I longed for the time before the Process when I was being tortured in Gotar, as then I at least had the comfort of a bed. I had no comfort, no fun, I was a pawn.

I had overheard a guard talking to another, in Russian, about why I wasn't allowed to be killed. He had stated one word 'Pawn'. I knew they were using me to control Locatlie and with every passing second, I wondered what the outside world was like at the moment. I wondered how my husbands were doing.

I wondered if William was even more of a grumpy goose without me, if he could make tough decisions without thinking about me. If he took any baths. O, how I longed for a bath with my William. I longed to be held by him, be protected by him. What was he doing right now? Was he living? Was he laughing? Did he sleep through the night, or did he, just like me, think about how life was before?

I wondered if Hugo was thinking about me. The last time we spoke, he said that a day didn't go by when he didn't think of me. But was out of sight out of mind a thing with him? Did he go back to Heather and was he happy with her? Or was he just as miserable as I was now? Did his perfect brown eyes show happiness, was there life in them? Those darned brown eyes, how I wished to see them one more time. If I knew I would die, my dying wish would be to have one more glimpse of those brown eyes. But I knew that they would never allow me to see Hugo anymore. Because if Hugo was in this place, then he'd make sure I could go with him. I think.

I wondered how Gotar and the ring of fire was right now, with Trevor not having me by his side? Did he go by business as usual, or did he lose any form of self-control? Did he miss me as much as I missed him? Did his heart ache with every beat because I wasn't around him? Did I haunt his dreams as much as he haunted my dreams? Did my laugh keep him up at night, in the same way that his laugh kept me up at night? Did his body ache from not being touched by me, the same way that my body longed to be held by him? Did he miss me? What was he doing right now? Was he doing everything in his power to get me back to him? Or had he given up?

I wondered what my little Ollie was doing? Was he going to be raised by Lea for the rest of his life? Or would my husbands eventually take over again, once I had been gone for a long time? Was he happy? Was he laughing? Did he long for my smile as much as I longed for his?

Had my husbands given up on me? I tried not to think like that, but with every passing minute it got harder and harder to hold onto the hope I was grasping on.

The doors opened and once again, my day would be a constant slur of trying not to give up on life. The doubt slowly started to take the upper hand.


The doubt of Jules is taking the upper hand. We also have a bit of insight as to how she is doing and how she is being treated. I will post another chapter later today, where we get even more information about how she is doing and what is happening to her.

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