Chapter 38

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I couldn't sleep peacefully that night. The whole night was filled with nightmares, I dreamt of Jude, of my parents, of my sisters, and lastly before I decided to give up on sleep, about my Trevor. I missed him so much and I wanted to go to him, but I knew that I mentally wasn't ready to see him; even if it had been months.

I took an immensely long cleansing shower, before I put on a pair of jogging pants and a sportsbra. I put my hair in a bun on the top of my head and I walked down the stairs and out of the house. I hadn't gone for a run in what felt like years, I couldn't even remember the last time I had done so. But it might help. I put my earbuds in and played a running playlist as I ran, with 20 security guards behind me, through the private park of the king. I then arrived at Kings mountain and I decided to go for a hike before arriving at the place on the top of the mountain. I sat there, looking out at Locatlie for a while. My life had changed so much in the past years, I had had no stability, the only thing that was recurring was the pain that I felt coursing through my blood. I had been taken when I was 10 years old, I had been held captive for 8 years, I had gone through whatever the Process was, I had married my husbands and dealt with the different obstacles that that held. I had been taken and my baby boy had been killed while still inside of me, I had been cheated on, I had been shot at, kept away from my husbands, held hostage for a full year with all forms of torture you can imagine. I had been cheated on once more and then some. My whole life was filled with pain and all I wanted right now was to forget. I wanted to forget everything I had experienced and the view in front of me didn't help. I stood up again and the twenty security guards stood up right away as I went down the path again before I jogged through the kings private lands.

"I'd like to be alone now. We're in the Kings Private lands. There is nothing that can happen to me." I stated towards the head of security and he looked at me and then at the other 19 guards.

"We can't do that, my queen." He stammered as he was a bit out of breath. "If something were to happen to you-."

"Then that's my fault and I will make sure that my husbands stop whatever punishment they've decided for you. I want to be alone. I've had people around me all my fucking life and I want to be alone." I spat and I continued to run and I ran through the woods and I looked around and there were no security guards; thank god. I after a while stopped by a meadow and I recognised it from somewhere. I stood in the middle of it and I looked around, why did I remember this? TREVOR!

I had gone here for my first one on one date with Trevor and the biggest smile appeared on my face as I grabbed my bottle of water and I took a sip as I then walked towards the spot that we had had our first make out session. I touched the rocks and a small smile appeared on my face as I then walked down the path where I had first seen the dark side of Trevor. It had been literally years that I had seen that side of him. That crazy side of him that I loved so much. I grabbed my phone that was connected to my arm and I decided to call him up, it was stupid of me, but after the phone call from yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about his voice. I sat down on the spot by the rock and I looked out at the meadow with a small smile.

"Trevor." He said casually and I couldn't help but smile.

"I thought you had recognition or whatever on your phone? What's it called again?" I said with a huge smile.

"Caller recognition." Trevor replied and I could hear in his voice that he had that stupid grin on his face. "Give me a minute boys." I heard him state.

"What are you doing?" I asked casually as I looked out at the beautiful flowers.

"We're in a meeting." He replied casually. "Are you ok?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Well first of all, I slept like shit and I have a feeling you have the same experience, secondly; you haven't called me in years because you needed space or whatever." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop being a dick first of all, second of all I did sleep like shit, and third of all I am currently at the place where I first saw Trevvie and I wanted to call you. If you don't like it, I can hang up?" I said with a teasing tone.

"First of all, I've always been a dick, second of all I'm sorry you felt like shit, third of all why on earth are you there? Fourth of all, never hang up." He said and I giggled at that and he let out a chuckle.

"You've never been a dick to me though." I said as I looked at my hand that was missing a ring. "I'm here because I didn't sleep well so I went for a run, and I found this place and I remembered it, so I thought I'd call you." I said as I let out a small breath.

"Where is your security? Watching you sitting at some random spot calling the King?"

"I blew off my security." I replied casually. "Kings private land and I wanted to be alone."

"For fucks sake Julia, why on earth would you blow off your security? You are literally at a spot where two intruders almost raped a woman and you think you're safe?" Trevor spat at me and I closed my eyes; this wasn't what I wanted to hear and I hung up the phone annoyed as I stood up; why was he being such a dick to me. I put my phone in my pocket and I took in my surroundings for one second. I stopped though as I felt this cold chill appearing through my body and just at that time Trevor called me again. I turned around to see if there was anyone there, while grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

As I turned around, my heart stopped, as I saw a man wearing black clothes, around 190 tall, standing there with a gun pointed to me.

"Don't pick that phone up." The man said with an immensely southern American accent. I looked at him. "Drop the phone." He demanded and I did as he said as I kept my hands up.

"What do you want?" I stammered to him. "If you want money or-."

"Revenge is what I want." He said and he stood a bit more straight keeping the gun pointed towards me.

"Revenge for what?" I whimpered back at him as my phone stopped ringing, but then started to ring again. I looked down and I saw that it was Trevor. Of course, he had been right; I had been fucking stupid for thinking it was safe for me to travel without any security. Had the past years not taught me anything; I wasn't safe anywhere in this world without one of my husbands present. But here I was again, in a situation that was totally uncalled for in my opinion, having to fend for myself. And once again I hoped I could get out of this situation, but I didn't know how many lives I had left.



Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora