Chapter 11

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"So, I was thinking, light brown extensions to just under my shoulders." I told the hairdresser and she looked at me and nodded carefully. I was sitting on a very comfortable chair, my legs crossed and looking at pictures of Rosemary and Lilybeth. Natalie was sitting on a chair to the left of me, and I had placed a couch in front of me where Charlotte and Heather would be sitting.

I knew that the hairdresser was slightly terrified of me, but that was mainly because I was still wearing my bloody shirt and my face had a bit of blood. She put my head back and washed my scalp and took my face with me after a while. She dried it and started to work on my hair. Natalie and I talked about pictures. I turned the page and I grabbed my lollipop. I could feel the atmosphere change almost right away, and in the corner of my eyes I could see two women walking in. To show a tad of dominance, but also because I was still on an adrenaline high from Gotar, I decided to not look at them.

"You two can sit on the couch." I said coolly pointing to it with the hand that was holding the lollipop. I put it back in my mouth as I turned a page. I could see the two girls sitting down in the corner of my eyes and I snapped my fingers and someone walked in from the staff.

"Turn down the music and get something to drink for my guests." I said not looking up and the person did that right away.

I heard them taking the order. I looked up a bit and I saw that Charlotte was sitting on the left, playing with a bracelet on her arm and she was nervous. Her black long hair was in two inverted braids and she was wearing a simple sweater and a pair of jeans. She looked normal and as I looked at her lips, I thought about them kissing William. I then looked to the right and I bit my lollipop for a second, it hurting a bit, but not responding to the pain as I saw Heather. Her dark blonde thick hair was in two messy braids as well and she was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a t shirt. I could see she had a necklace and I just had this horrid feeling about whom gave that to her. I looked at her lips and I knew what those lips had done. She turned around and her green eyes met my grey.

I saw fear and sadness in her eyes as she looked into mine. Fear because she had fucked my husband, and sadness because she was probably heartbroken that she could never do that again. I took out my lollipop and threw it to the side and I let out a small breath as I looked back at Charlotte whom had the darkest brown eyes and she was staring at me nervously.

"Do you love Will?" I asked and her mouth opened in shock, then closing it again, then opening it again and she tugged on her bracelet. "Did you?" She still didn't answer and I then realised why. "You may both address me. If that had not been the case, both of you would've been locked up for staring me directly in the eyes. Did or do you love Will?"

"No. No." She stammered. "No- My- No My Queen." She said after clearing her throat. I nodded slowly at that as I looked at Heather and Heather stared at me and I raised my eyebrow.

"I don't love Will, no. I do love Hugo." She said in a soft angelic voice. I looked at her for a couple of seconds, checking her out. The tension was able to be cut with a knife. This was supposed to be the Queen of Locatlie. If she had not said no, she would be sitting here, and I would be nowhere, maybe even dead.

"Good." I confirmed nodding slowly as I snapped my fingers and pointed to the lollipop, someone came to me and handed me one. "It's good that you love him. He loves you too probably?" I asked and she stared at me and gulped and she nodded slowly at that.

"I believe he does." She stammered nervously and I nodded.

"And that necklace is from him?" I asked and she looked down and her eyes widened and I saw Charlotte closing her eyes in fear, something that confused me for a second. Before realising I was sitting here with a once white shirt.

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