Chapter 55

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"Babe?" I heard a month later. I was sitting the sauna here in Gotar Castle with my eyes closed. For some 'love' reason, I knew that Trevor wasn't the only one that walked into the sauna. I opened my eyes carefully and just like I predicted, my three husbands were all frozen on the spot, staring at my fully nude body in full on lust.

In the past month I had switched between my three husbands as I seemed fit. I didn't really have a schedule and it was basically evenly divided. I had not had a freak out in the full month, mainly because my husbands were all honest with me, and because of the breathing tricks I'd learned.

I only ever went in the sauna when I was immensely stressed, which I currently was. I had told my PA that I would go into the sauna and I guess that my husbands had gotten word of that, or they wouldn't be here. They knew I only went in here if I was really stressed or if the trauma became too much. Hugo joined me every now and then and this was basically 'our place' in the same way that Trev and I had the torture rooms, and Will and I had the bathtubs. Hugo and I used to have airplanes, but I didn't want to ever leave Locatlie again.

I stood up slowly, six eyes following me as I did that, turned around and grabbed a thin towel, wrapping it around my body. I grabbed some water and put it on the rocks before I sat back down.

"My eyes are up here." I said calmly, although I was anything but calm. I grabbed the necklace that I had gotten from Trevor three weeks ago; it being exactly the same as the one I had had before the war.

"O right. We've got amazing news- can we maybe discuss it out of here, it's rather hot and distracting." Trevor said as his eyes went back towards my breasts and I looked at William whom decided to look just above me and Hugo looked at my face, but I didn't want him to look into my eyes; he'd know what was going on right away.

"Sure. I'm going to shower first though." I said, standing up again and walking past them.

"Need help?" Hugo said and I turned my head, seeing my three husbands standing in full suits in the sauna.

"No. I'm ok." I replied amused as I stepped under the shower and let the sweat that had come out of my body be washed away by the water. When I got out of the shower, I grabbed the robe that was hanging here and I walked out of the shower and I saw my three husbands sitting on the bench by the pool. "What's going on?" I asked and they were still staring at me with that lustfull look. I sat by the pool, putting my feet in them now.

"We- the." Trevor said looking at my legs and I sighed annoyed.

"Fine. I'll put clothes on if I'm so distracting. See you guys in the living room in five minutes." I snapped annoyed as I stood up and walked out before they could respond.

I knew I was reacting irrational to them right now, but at this point my mind was immensely hazy. I couldn't concentrate at all. But then again, how could I?

I went to the first housing that was here and undressed myself. I genuinely thought the kings had come to see why I was panicked enough to be in the fucking sauna without them. But their news was probably more important and somehow I couldn't' help but think back on the last time this had happened. I let out some deep breaths as I walked into the living room with a blanket around me and I sat down on the couch. My three husbands were all sitting on the couches looking at me and I saw that they were immensely confused.

"Are you ok?" Hugo asked carefully as I looked sideways.

"A hot chocolate please." I stated to whomever was standing there and I looked at them. "The three of you have good news?" I said coolly as I held onto myself tighter.

"The war is over. Argentina surrendered just now. The War of Hearts is officially done." Trevor said excited and I got my hot chocolate, as they had it ready for me in seconds basically; it not having been my first.

"That's great." I said as I took a sip of my hot chocolate and they stared at me and I could see they were surprised by my response. "What does this mean for the Argentinian people?" I asked casually.

"They will get a newly appointed by us President whom for the first five years will have to get permission from us to do anything drastic." Hugo said and I didn't look at him, because he'd know what was going on within seconds. "And in five years we're going to have a large meeting with all the world leaders here in Locatlie again, to see how everything is."

"That's great." I said calmly as I leaned back a bit.

"What's going on?" William said and I looked at him now. "Why were you in the Sauna? You only do that when you're immensely stressed or when you're horny with Hugo and want to have sex." He said and I put my cup down and I nodded slowly as I leaned back, pulling up my knees and putting my arms around my legs.

"I uhm." I said and I looked out the window, it was raining outside. I let out a very deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

It was silent for about a minute from my husbands side, as they didn't know how to react. They knew that we couldn't get rid of this baby if I wanted to, not that I would want to, but they also knew that I wasn't mentally ready to be pregnant right now. So, this of course meant that they had absolutely no idea how to respond right now. "Around the six weeks. Created in those twenty-four hours that I was with all three of you at one point." I said as I looked at them and they were staring at me in total shock. "It's one baby. It's healthy." I stammered and I bit my lip and I shook my head as I let out another breath. "I don't know how to respond either, I'm not mad at the three of you for not saying anything, but I don't know if I can do this." I whimpered and I broke down into sobs, placing my head on my knees and the sounds that came out of me, came from my core. I felt someone sit down next to me and as the guy put his arm around me, I knew it was Will. I put my head down a bit, letting him hold onto me as I sobbed. "I'm not ready Will." I whimpered. "How can I be a mother when I can't- When." I said.

"It's ok love. You can feel this way. I don't want to be a dick and say that we can't really reverse it, but take all the time you need to mentally get adjusted to this. I'm so sorry you're in pain right now." He said rubbing my back. "I wish that it hadn't happened. I wish that we could do this when we were ready." I held onto him tightly and William rubbed my back. I felt Trevor putting his hand in my hair and after a while I felt Hugo picking up my legs and letting me put my legs over him. I was exhausted and having my three men here, calmed me down and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


Omg. Julia is pregnant, after specifically stating she wasn't ready. Abortion is not an option so she has to go through with it. Sucky situation!

Tomorrow i'll post the last chapter and the epilogue. After that i'm taking a bit of a break of posting, as i've been posting non stop for 3 to 4 months. I also have to rewrite/edit some parts of the sequel. You will get the opportunity to ask any questions you have regarding these characters after the epilogue and i'll answer them in the meantime! I don't know how long the break will be. Probably a couple of weeks! :)

Who is excited for the last chapter+epilogue?  What do you expect/want from the sequel?

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