Chapter 18

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The next morning, I woke up very early and decided I wanted to get my hair redone, so we got a hairdresser here. We sat in the living room with the TV, and we watched the biggest news item of these past years; the summit. Well, we didn't watch the summit. We watched as my three husbands welcomed all of the guests into their country. They didn't shake anybody's hand; they gave them a curt nod before the leaders walked in. This was the first time that Locatlie ever welcomed foreign leaders, and they right away invited all of them; which was insane.

When the new US president arrived, whom arrived last, she looked immensely nervous and I understood; her country and Locatlie had the biggest war within one another. She bowed for my three kings before she walked in. William then did something that shocked the whole world, but didn't shock me. He blew out some air and looked sideways at Trevor whom stared at him amused. William then smiled a bit and he gave Hugo and Trevor both a curt nod before turning around and walking in, them walking after them.

My absence was noted and people were speculating where I was and if I was ok, something that bothered me.

"What do you think?" Lisa asked a couple of hours later as I was looking in the mirror and I stared at my own reflection absolutely shocked. I had decided on getting dark red, almost blood red, braids. They were slightly thick, and they were very long, but I loved it. It looked amazing. I looked amazing. I was wearing the most beautiful dark blood red dress and I nodded slowly at myself. I was wearing a simple silver necklace. "We can get a tiara before we go to town hall. We do have to fly now." Lisa added and I nodded as I walked towards the airplane and I sat down, looking out the window afraid as I was flying to Prangie.

"You're going to be ok." Wendy reassured me as we started the descent to Prangie. When I landed, I walked out of the plane and I walked into the castle and I went to the crown room. I looked at all the different tiaras and I then saw one that got my attention. It was a golden tiara with red hearts on it. I stared at it and I held it up for a second and I looked at it. This was perfect. I put it on my head and I looked in the mirror. This is the look I was going for. I nodded slowly at that as I then walked towards the limo that was waiting for me and I bit my lip. I knew that the foreign press would see me and know I was here before my husbands, but I didn't care about that right now.

Everyone had arrived for the ball; I had seen that on tv, and they were currently inside. I let out a small breath as I drove through Prangie, before arriving at the town hall. There were gates everywhere and about 10 camera's and forty photographers from around the world that were allowed to be here. Everyone started to take photos of the limo. Leslie, Wendy and Lisa walked out first. I had told them to tell the security team of my husbands to not inform that I was here; that I wanted a grand entrance. Lisa said that to one of the security men and they nodded looking at the car. They then stood even more straight and looked at the sky and prayed to Seglusa that this would go well. The door then opened and I stepped out and the flashes became insane. I kept staring ahead though as I walked up the stairs towards the entrance. It was like my wedding all over again. I held onto my hands very tightly, as the number of flashes scared me. I arrived at the front door and it was opened and I then decided to do something, the pictures thy would take of this moment, going down in history, and I turned my head and looked at the photographers for a second, before turning my head again and walking in.

"My Queen." I heard and I turned my head and I saw that it was Sally whom looked at me with her eyes wide. "We did not expect you." She said right away; we were at a formal event, so she had to address me by my formal name. Sally's blonde hair was currently in a beautiful bun and she was wearing a beautiful dark blue dress.

"I did not know I would come either. I would very much appreciate it if you did not tell anyone. I want to make an entrance you see; I've recently took it upon myself to lighten up this boring little summit of my husbands." I said and the biggest smile appeared on her face.

"We just finished the dinner and are being escorted to the ballroom downstairs." She explained and I nodded slowly at that. "I'm sure they'll be pleased to see you." She said bowing to me as she turned around to walk away.

"Sally?" I said and she turned her head to look at me, her eyes widening; as I should call her Princess Sally right now, but I didn't care. "I'm so sorry about your loss of Lea. I know how much you loved her." I said and she looked at me shocked for a second before she showed me a grimace and nodded. She kept walking and she went into the ballroom and I let out a small breath.

"When do you want to go in, my Queen?" Lisa said as I was pacing from one side of the door to the other.

"I don't know." I said as my body was shaking a bit. "I can do this right?"

"You can." Lisa said. "You're the Queen of Locatlie, Godess of Seglusa, daughter of Brad and Ana Jefferson, the survivor of the War of Hearts. You are a boss bitch."

"I'm a boss bitch." I confirmed and she nodded looking at me as I saw the two security guards by the door staring ahead with some amusement. Lisa followed my glance to the security guards and a huge smile appeared on her face.

"O don't pay attention to them. That's my boyfriend and his best friend. They're cool." She said waving it away and I looked at the guy on the left whom showed a small smile and I couldn't help but giggle.

"I'd like to come in on the balcony." I explained and the security guards nodded slowly. "I would like one of you to make the announcement that the Queen of Locatlie has arrived. Make it dramatic with a good pause before opening the doors." I said and they nodded looking at me. "I keep forgetting they deal with Trevor." I muttered under my breath, wondering why they weren't shocked. One of them opened the door and he hit the gong immensely hard, making me smile a bit as I looked sideways.

"All rise for Queen Julia of Locatlie, Goddess of Seglusa, wife of the three war kings of Locatlie, Daughter of Brad and Ana Jefferson, survivor of the War of Hearts." I heard and I looked at Lisa and Lisa stared back at me. I heard some commotion and I let out a small breath as I looked at my hands, my nine fingers were clutched into one another in a nervous ball.

Let the fun begin.


Dramatic entrance coming up.

What do you think Jules plan is?

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