Chapter 41

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"You're going to walk in front of me." Gilbert snarled and I nodded slowly as I walked in front of him, as he had the gun on my back. "Remember the deal." He snarled and I gulped and nodded. The airhostess opened up the doors as a staircase or whatever was already set there. I walked out of the door, squinting my eyes as the sun was directly in it. I could see two figures on the landingstrip, and I knew that I had three husbands, which confused me. We reached the bottom of the stairs and on the floor and I almost tripped over my own feet, as the man grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me up, it hurting like shit. He walked forward a tad and he then stopped.

"Where is king Trevor?" Gilbert snarled and I looked up and I saw that Hugo and William were standing there, both wearing suits, and both of their eyes glaring at the man whom was holding their wife hostage.

"King Trevor is taking a call. He will arrive here shortly." Hugo said in the angriest voice and Gilbert looked at me, wondering if he could make the deals with these two kings and I gave him a curt nod.

"I want to be able to leave the country. Your wife told me that if I bring her to the three of you that I would be able to freely leave. I haven't hurt her; I haven't maimed her." He said in the strongest voice he could muster, but I could hear the fear in his voice. But then again, why this Gilbert thought that he could compete with two kings of Locatlie was beyond me.

"And why would we do that?" Hugo said as William was observing me and he looked fake confused.

"Because I have a gun." Gilbert said raising it to the side of my head as he held onto me tighter and I bit my lip, trying to stay calm. Gilbert wanted me to be calm, so I'd be calm. "And I think your wife wants to add something to that."

"You should release him." I said calmly looking directly in William's eyes, whom knew right away that I wanted the opposite to happen to him. "He hasn't hurt me. He just wanted revenge for his family, but he realised that avenging his family won't bring them back." I said and I looked at Hugo now whom could see what my plan was right away, obviously he understood.

"We can't make deals security wise without permission from the King of Security." Hugo then said calmly and Gilbert held onto me tighter.

"Aren't you the leader king?" He spat towards William. "Can't you veto shit?" William now, for the first time, looked away from me and looked at the 'peasant' that was holding me. He raised his eyebrow and I could feel the heartbeat of Gilbert racing even harder right now.

"I am the leader king. But I'm not going to veto this decision without Trevor present. I'm sure he has some counter ideas as to what to do with you." Will said, his deep voice immensely intimidating.

"You do realise that I am holding your wife right? That I can shoot her before you even have the chance to blink?"

"Far more powerful men have taken our wife for less, with way more power. You're not intimidating to me." William said and Gilbert got angry as he then held onto me tighter.

"You don't think I'll shoot your wife?" Gilbert said as he than cocked the gun and he pointed it down and he fired a bullet, it hitting my foot. FUCK. I screamed it out. "Tell your ape brother to get here right now, or the next bullet goes in her head." He said and I bit my lip as it hurt, and I held onto Gilberts arm tight. I didn't want to scream as I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. I tried to stop all the trauma I had endured from coming into my thoughts, but it was fucking hard to do.

"I actually think you should be on your knees begging for mercy actually." I heard a voice state and I didn't know that the heartbeat of Gilbert could get any faster; but the moment that he heard Trevors voice booming, his heart basically stopped because it was too fast. But then again, Trevor had an immensely intimidating tone right now. I couldn't turn around to look at him, even if Gilbert gave me the space. My mind was currently filled with immense pain.

"And why would I do that?" Gilbert stammered and he turned his head around and turned me around with him, but only a quarter, so he wouldn't turn his back to any of the kings. I then saw Trevor for the first time in what felt like forever, and my heart was beating out of my chest as my grey eyes met his deranged blue. Trevor was only wearing a pair of pants and he had his hair being held back by a t shirt to make sure his hair wasn't in his eyes; he had his Gotar outfit on.

He was standing right in front of us and my eyes met his again as I could see the pure anger in his eyes, but he was calm, it was as if he knew he would win. It was as if he knew what my plan was and he executed it perfectly, the part about me being shot we both had not envisioned, but that was ok.

At the same time, my heart filled with pain and sorrow, combined with a need for him. It was very confusing. In that exact moment I also thought about the last two times I had been in this position; that I was stuck somewhere and Trevor came to save me. It was a weird clusterfuck in my mind at the moment.

"Because the moment that I finish this sentence, you'll be shot." He said and just as he said that, I heard a gun firing and I screamed for a second before Gilbert fell through his knees, him letting go of me and I leapt forward, not being able to stand on my shot foot and Trevor grabbed me right away.

My whole body calmed down, the panic that was coursing through my body disappeared, and the only thing I could feel was the pain in my foot.

"I got you." Trevor said. "Grab him and bring him down. I'm bringing Jules to the medical ward." Trevor said as he bend down and I burst out into sobs as I had my head on his shoulders.

Everything was too much and the fact that the first time that Trev saw me, was when I was being held hostage, was heartbreaking. The idea that I could've died without holding him one more time, broke me.

This whole fucked up life broke me once again.



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