Chapter 20

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The next morning, I had set my alarm for seven am. I took a long shower before walking down in just my robe. I had no idea what the planning was for today and if I was even allowed to be there. I walked into the breakfast area and the six kings were sitting there and the moment Trevor saw me, he spit out his tea, but I ignored that.

I sat down on my spot and I grabbed Hugo's mug and took a sip of his tea, but spit it out right away. "How do you enjoy apple tea?" I said and he looked at me with the biggest smile ever as I looked up towards our maid. "I'd like a big glass of green tea and a glass of orange juice please?" I said and she nodded.

"Breakfast as usual, my queen?" She asked and I nodded looking at her. "Coming right up." She said bowing for me and I nodded. I looked at Hugo's plate and he had some grapes and I took some of them and he looked at me with that cute look of his as I threw one in my mouth. "What is the planning for today? I read the itinerary but wasn't bothered to remember it."

"We have the summit debate." Hugo said and I nodded at that. "The loved ones are going to take a hike and then a picnic." And I rolled my eyes at that, as I was not in the mood to go anywhere with anyone.

"Can I join the debate?" I asked as I got my food and my drinks. "Thank you." I said as I looked at Hugo, ignoring the other five.

"I guess. It isn't customary though." He said carefully and I grabbed my spoon and took a bite of my yoghurt.

"I don't feel like going on a hike with over 200 strangers." I replied looking at him and he looked at me and probably sensed my worry.

"You can join." Hugo said and I nodded. "We leave in an hour. It's the whole day and tonight we have a dinner with the whole gang again."

"Sounds good." I said and I looked at the rest of the table and the five other kings were looking at Hugo and I, and listening in on the conversation. "What?" I snapped at them.

"Are you back for good?" William asked carefully as I took a bite of my yoghurt and I chewed as I locked my fingers in one another in front of me, my elbows on the table.

"I'm not sure yet." I replied casually. "I can't think about stuff like that. Depends on how this week goes." I said calmly. "The last time I was around leaders, you guys were arrested and I was taken away from you guys for years."

"Understandable." William replied and I nodded slowly at that as I took another bite of my yoghurt. "How are you?"

"I'm not doing this right now." I replied to William without looking at him. "Like I said yesterday; I am currently here to do my duty as the Queen of this country."

"You don't seem to have a problem talking to Hugo though." Trevor then snapped at me and I closed my eyes and took four breaths before taking another bite.

"That is correct." I said casually as I took a sip of my tea. "He didn't break my soul nor break me as a person with my actions. He only broke my heart and since my heart is already broken, it doesn't really matter now does it?"

"So, you'd rather talk to the guy whom had a full-blown affair and a child with another woman, whom planned on marrying that woman if we didn't save you before, yesterday to be exact." Trevor said, looking at his watch. "Than the person whom didn't give up on you."

"You did give up on me though." I said looking at him. "And with the tone you are expressing your feelings and the judgmental edge to it, solidifies for me even more why I don't want to speak to you." I said and Trevors eyes were fucking furious. "After everything I have been through, you should be happy that I am talking to any of you right now." I said standing up and smashing the chair against the table.

"Jules." William said as I wanted to walk away. "Please don't leave angry."

"Why?" I said turning around to look at him. "Why would I want to talk to the fucking love of my life whom after three months repeatedly fucked other women? Why would I want to talk to my person whom rented off the love house for two fucking days to fuck every woman that had a pulse there? How would someone whom has been raped for a full year want to talk to their cheating lovelady fucking husbands?" I yelled at him.

"Because you were gone for three years." William replied back in his calm voice. "We missed you for three years."

"Well, if you guys kept your promises, I wouldn't have been separated from you guys for three years." I said coolly back as I turned around and walked away. I heard something smashing behind me, making me flinch, but I ignored that as I walked up the stairs to my place. I looked through the closet and I decided on a simple red dress and I put my braids in one large braid. I applied basic make up and put neat pumps under it.

 I walked down the stairs and I heard shouting coming from the breakfast area, but I ignored that as I walked out of the front door and went towards the Limo that was waiting there for my husbands. I climbed into it, opening the door myself, and I sat down on my customary seat. I leaned against the window and I stared at my hands, tracing my own fingers. I did that until the door opened and I looked up and Trevor stormed in, not looking at me, and he went and sat on his seat in front of me and he smashed the seatbelt into the thing. He was wearing a suit and he took off his tie and threw it on the floor. He wasn't looking at me, but rather out the window. I felt tears appear in my eyes as I realised that Jason was right;

 They hate me.


Jules mental state is slowly crumbling again. She's sticking up for herself but at the same time she's breaking down. What did you think of the short discussion she had with Will and Trev? What do y'all think about her treatment of Hugo? What about throwing in their faces that because of them she was taken? And Trevor mentioning Hugo wanting to get married to Heather?


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