Chapter 8

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The familiar headache that I was currently experiencing made the panic in my body a little less. I could hear noises around me, I felt their presence around me, and I had a false sense of security coursing through me.

I wasn't ready to open my eyes yet, I was so exhausted. I didn't want to open my eyes ad face the reality of my fucked-up life. I wasn't ready to talk about what had happened to me in the past two years. I wasn't ready to hear what they had experienced. My mind was too full with the nightmares of the past two years. I could smell the cologne that I had dreamt of for the past two years close to my nose, and even though I was tired, my body gravitated towards it. My body turned around on its own and buried my head in the chest, hearing the heartbeat that seemed to beat normally again.

I had dreamt of the moment that I would hear William's heart every single night, and yet it felt surreal that I was currently being held by him. I heard his voice say something but I couldn't process it. I was just so numb, so tired, exhausted, and my mind slowly drifted away.

This happened loads over the course of the next days, or weeks, I wasn't sure. Every time I woke up, I had an arm around me, and my body wanted to feel the safety of one of my husbands. I didn't care whom it was, as long as I had one of them close to me. The memory of the smell of piss and shit had to be replaced by their godly scent. The feeling of content with the cold hard floor had to be replaced by the warm bed and their comforting and safe arm. My mind had to process everything that it had been through and that was hard.

It wasn't until my body realized nobody was laying down next to it, that it warned my body of potential danger. My body shot up in warning, and my eyes shot open, I took a deep panicked breath as I took in my surroundings.

I knew the moment I opened my eyes I was in the family room of the castle in Gotar. I knew this because I spend loads of my time here before. The only difference with the previous times that I had woken up here, was that my husbands weren't in the room.

"Trevor?" I breathed as I looked around. "Will? Hugo?" I said a bit panicked and I looked around seeing if there was a note or anything for me. But there was nothing. I stood up and I frowned as there was no pain. I remembered that every time that I stood on my feet, that I'd be hurt. I raised one foot and I saw that there was no scarring. I then remembered that Leila, Yolene's girl, had told me about this treatment for scarring. I raised the shirt I was wearing and I saw that my stomach was clear of all scaring. I also noticed that I couldn't count my ribs anymore. What the fuck? I looked at my arms and they had taken off most of the scars, but there were still some on there; like I had asked. I nodded slowly at that as I then put my hands on my head, as I felt there was some hair on there. My hair was basically only a centimeter long, which meant that I had been down for a pretty long time. I wanted to see what I looked like and I ran to the bathroom and I looked in the mirror that was there and my eyes widened as I saw myself.

My hair was indeed only a couple of millimeters and it was an actual afro, like my father, and it was a darker color. I hated it, I absolutely hated it. I then turned my body around, taking off my shirt in the process. I looked at myself and I saw that I had no scars, no indication of what had happened. The only indication of that, were the scars on my arms. I leaned forward at my face and I looked at my cheeks, it looked like I actually had a bit of fat. I looked at my arm and saw a band aid. I raised the band aid a tad and I saw the familiar holes where a needle had once been. I realized they had fed me in the past days, weeks, months, I didn't know how long I had already been here.

I looked at the shower and my eyes widened as I saw different shampoos and stuff and I smiled as I saw one of Hugo's, that he always used for his hair. I opened the bottle and I smiled as I smelled the scent that his head always had. I turned on the shower and I washed myself with all of the shampoos and stuff that was here, cleaning off my body. I got out and I dried myself off before walking out, hoping my husbands would be back. But they weren't. Disappointment, fear and worry started to cloud my mind. What if they had gotten sick of me sleeping? What if they realised that I wasn't whom they loved anymore? What if this had all been for nothing?

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora