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You think the story is over?

The Queen of Locatlie lives happily ever after with her three kings. They get beautiful babies and die of old age and happiness. At least that's what I'm reading right? Nope. That promise was kept for years, that's true. But the drama isn't over. I wish it were over.

It is now my time to shine, to tell my story.

Years ago, I met my three kings. My three Kings of Locatlie.

King Luther, the Wise calm rule keeping king with no patience. If rumours are to be true, he could make any person cry by looking at you. I would know.

King Daniel, the Rebel whom sees himself as the exception to every rule, every law and every protocol he himself enforces. He could make any woman swoon with that smile of his, I would know. But the smile he showed to the world, was all an act, a ruse.

King Christian, the silent killer, The Flaying King. The most cruel and feared king in the history of Locatlie. He barely spoke, but when he did you wished he would stay silent. He wasn't always like that, he used to be even crazier than Daniel back in the day. But trauma fucks up a child's brain. I would know.

Why he didn't speak? Well, that is not my story to tell; that is his.

The only thing I could say, without getting into too much trouble, is that these three kings feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. But who wouldn't feel intimidated and pressured to perform, if you were the sons of the Kings of the War of Hearts and you became kings far too early because of the death of one of your fathers.


Don't worry! Any questions you have left, will be answered in the story Kings of Hearts! I'll open up the book with the cover and a short description later today! I'll post a Q&A chapter, where I'll answer loads of your questions about the world. I might also post a prologue of sorts this week, just so you have a bit of an idea of what is going to happen!

I hope everyone has enjoyed the story of Julia and her kings, and I cannot wait for you guys to find out what their children are up to!

In 'The Kings of Hearts' there are also epilogue chapters that are about these four characters. You might be able to understand them without actually reading the story. But Julia, Trevor, William and Hugo are in 'The Kings of Hearts' and shit does happen to them. 

Love x

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