Bonus Chapter #2

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9 Months Later On A Perfect November Day 

WHO KNEW WALKING COULD be so hard while having a stomach the size of a watermelon holding an unknown gender. I and Cardan decided to keep the gender a surprise, for shits and giggles of course. 

Zaya, who was kinda pissed we waited to tell all of them after a week of knowing pushed to be the godmother and Alion instantly declared godfather privileges the moment he found out. 

"I think she's just about ready to pop out," I said to Zaya who was currently making a very pregnant woman a sandwich.

"What makes you so sure it's a she?" 

"She's a kicker just like her momma" I placed my hand on my stomach feeling the harsh kicks while biting into the sandwich. 

My husband was currently building the crib upstairs in the nursery that we built, it was a muted rainbow kind of nursery. I had no specific color, it was a neutral territory of light browns. 

"How's my wife doing?" Cardan wrapped his sweaty arms around me and interlaced his hand with mine on my belly.

"Ew, you're sweaty!" I pushed him off and he chuckled grabbing a bottle of water almost chugging it. I wrote down more names and he leaned in. 

'I like that one" He pointed to one of the names, and I nodded and circled it, "It's pretty" 

"Let me see!" Zaya leaned in but I brought the paper to my chest and held my hand up, "Nope! Only us"

I stood up to see a huge stain on my pants, "Oh man!" Cardan's burst of laughter caused tears to burn up in my eyes. 

I use my hormones to my what?            

"Oh no! I'm so sorry babe" He hugged me so now I was looking at Zaya with a smirk on his shoulder.

"I don't think that's pee usually has a yellowish- FUCK! OUCH!" 

A contraction. My first contraction. 

"Oh my god! Are you in labor?!" Cardan screamed looking at me in shock, Zaya gasped and ran upstairs, probably to grab the baby bag and call Alion. 

"OWWWW!" Another mega cramp hit my stomach as I screeched on the way to the hospital, I was gripping Cardan's hand with so much force I don't know how he didn't wince occasionally. 

"Okay, we're here!" He jumped out of the car helping me into the lobby of the ER rubbing my severely aching back. 

"Help please!" My husband pleaded and two nurses came with a wheelchair hauling me into a set delivery room. They prodded and poked me with needles, attached a pink machine to my belly so I could hear my baby's heartbeat. It was a rhythm that if I could listen to over and over I would. 

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