Chapter 3

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Before the chapter starts I just wanna say a special thank you to everyone who has either, 1. added my books to their reading lists and 2. To the people who actually read


!DISCLAIMER!: Talk about death, Alcoholism, and Murder

Past Is The Past

❝ Through love, All is possible ❞ - HOEAB, Sarah J Maas

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❝ Through love, All is possible ❞ - HOEAB, Sarah J Maas

MOVING IS NEVER easy, especially when you have a little sister to look after. The reason we're moving is very easy to comprehend though. My father being the psychopathic motherfucker he is a month ago he got blackout drunk and decided it was the perfect time to kill my mother while my sister was in the house and I was out with my friends and pass out on the couch with my dying mother on the floor bleeding out from a stab wound. Me and my sister's only stable parent.


Thankfully my father got arrested, charged, and convicted of 1st-degree murder and now is serving a life sentence. But that leaves us without parents and a crapload of trauma for both of us, Since I had to witness the shakiness of my sister's voice on the phone while ditching my friends and racing the highway to get home to find paramedics outside my house, neighbors whispering, my hungover father being manhandled into a cop car,  a bodybag being carted away and the sound of my little sister sobbing against my chest. The sounds will live in my mind till my last breath. 

But since I'm 19, I legally became the guardian of Severyn or Sev my 13-year-old sister. Even though my mother's inheritance left us something to buy plane tickets since it's the beginning of the school year but the problem was that we still needed somewhere to live.

That's why we're moving to my dear uncle Finn's house with my aunt Nicki and little cousin Layton.

"Do you have everything packed angel?" I muttered to Sev while possibly eating our last breakfast in this house before leaving this afternoon to some rich neighborhood in New York.

"Yes, Cardan, for the fifth time, I do" She reassured back. I've always been a parent to her, I had to grow up fast to take care of both my mother and my innocent sister. But moving from London to New York is a stretch. But sympathetic looks that aren't needed but given regardless and the rumors that I would turn out exactly like my father or John Reyes have gotten too out of hand for us to control. 

My sister was in over her head with the whispers and 'mean girls' talking about how bad of a person John was or if it wasn't that, it was the girls who knew me and wanted my sister to put in a 'good word' for them which made her anxiety flare-up. This was an opportunity that presented itself and we instantly took it and I won't have any regrets until it's shown.

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