Chapter 14

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❝The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see❞

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❝The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see❞

"HEY ELLIE", Her eyes shimmer at me, "Hey Cardan, I just uhm wanted to see if you'd want to go out for coffee with me sometime?" I smile at her and nod, "Sure I'd love that, but I really gotta go find a friend of mine so how about I give you my number and I'll text you?"

Her grin widens at my answer and she pulls a phone out of her purse and hands It to me after unlocking it, I glide my fingers over the keyboard and enter my phone number. "There you go, see you later then?" I pass a hand over her shoulder when she nods and enters the cafeteria. I walk on the path to the girl's dormitory hoping to be able to talk to Thea about what happened in the cafeteria.

I see her and her friend hugging each other while on the path, my pace quickens and when I finally reach them I tap Thea's shoulder lightly. She turns around and a smile creeps up her face when she sees me. 

"Hey, I just wanted to see if you wanted to talk for a second," I said after clearing my throat, 

"Sure, what's up?" She replied calmly yet still cautious, her nails dig into her palm and she stuffs them into her sweater pockets. 

"Uhm alone...if that's okay?" I spare a guilty flash at Zaya who hitting both of us with a confused expression. Thea gives her a nod and she leaves. 


"I just wanted to say that you didn't have to punch Julissa for me, I mean it hurt a bit but you really didn't have to hit her is what I mean.." I understand clearly that what she said was totally fucked up but she really didn't have to get hurt because of me. She gives a glimpse at her bruised hand and puts it back into her pocket. I sit on a nearby bench and she follows gradually.   

"Not to sound rude or anything" she stressed "God how do I put this nicely—The whole fight wasn't about you...y'know?" I nod but a bit confused. "I know, you didn't have to hurt her just because she said something about me though. It would've been fine—I would have been fine" 

She pinches her eyebrows in concentration to find what she's going to say next, "Is that the only part you heard?" She says in a tone that catches me off guard but I nod nonetheless. "Let's keep it that way" and she stands up. I lean my head in bewilderment and my gaze turns to the concrete path. I hear her footsteps retreating but they stop and I hear her melodic voice again, "And Cardan?"

I turn my gaze towards her eyes that hold a tint of sadness and surprisingly disappointment, "A thank you would have been sufficient since I defended you and all?" Guilt consumes me, she did that for me. She potentially risked her reputation for me just because some girl said something offensive about me and I had subtly reprimanded her about it. I open my mouth to give her an infinite of apologies but she shakes her head and I back down. I hear her footsteps as she walks away and I close my eyes and let out a breath. 

"Out of all the things you could've said you chose to lecture her? About a punch? That she threw for you!?" I hear Bruce's voice said next to me. 

"Way to make me feel better about it Bruce" 

"Oh no, I'm not trying to make you feel better. I'm giving you a reality check, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I'm glad I did because you need some of your bolts tightened. That look she gave you when you first greeted her is the same look Odessy gives me every time I pick up the skype call." He sits down next to me and grins at the memory of his girlfriend's face each time he picks up her calls. 

I perk up at the last sentence, "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him, he sobers up into a serious expression, "That girl is clearly so into you that she'd ruin her whole credit with one punch for you, maybe some of that punch was just anger from what she said before that but what set it off was the comment Julissa made about you, she might even get sent to Europe for that. Her mother is very strict and hard on her, she wants to shape and model Thea into something she's not, but that's beside the point" He takes a moment to recollect his breath, "She's into you dude, Look, Alion and I are going to the club, Thea will most likely be there and you can apologize to her" 

I think about accepting for a moment, before I remember about my coffee run with Ellie, I shake my head "No, I already have plans" I can't do the same thing I did to Thea, to Ellie. I won't bail out on another girl. I deserve happiness after everything I've been through. His eyebrows raise "With who?" 

"Ellie" He looks at me with confusion demanding more explanation, "Chasen's sister, I met her a few days ago, I think she's a freshman here" 

"This is some Twilight shit, But, I'm Team Thea if it comes down to it" I push him away annoyed, 

"Asshole" I scowl at him which just makes him laugh even harder than he was. He gets up and bids goodbye, I unlock my phone and open my messages,

𝐌𝐞: So when do you wanna go on that coffee run? ;)

𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧: I'm just glad you didn't bail, Are you free right now?  

𝐌𝐞: I would never bail on you, you know that. 

𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞: I hope you live up to your word, I'll text you when I'm ready

𝐌𝐞: I'll see you later then.

I'm sorry this was rushed, I had an hour before school started and I'm running on a few hours of sleep

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I'm sorry this was rushed, I had an hour before school started and I'm running on a few hours of sleep. (I know, not healthy)

But thank you for the love on the new book, I love every one of you so much and are so appreciated and loved. 

Word Count: 1,091

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