Chapter 12

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❝No, I won't help you

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No, I won't help you. No, I won't hear you explain why I should. It really is a magical word: no. You say whatever bullshit you want and I just say no. ❞ - Jude Duarte

TW: Addiction 

(I'm so sorry in advance)  

I WOKE UP today thinking this was the best day I would've had in a while, but boy was mistaken. I went to my 12:30 and 1:45 classes with ease and peacefulness, until I reached the dreaded cafeteria. Now it didn't seem like anything bad was about to happen at first. I and Zaya sat down at an empty table after buying some salads from a local restaurant around campus. The tension between Rita, Lilith, and I had created has died down. I concluded half-asleep sometime during the week that if they were ever to confront us about their little...relationship, it would be on their terms, so I try to put that off my mind to the fullest extent.

"Thea? Did you hear anything I said?" Zaya waves a hand in front of my face that recollects the gaze I had at the white walls of the cafeteria. "Huh?" 

"I said that I finished and entered the painting to the contest" She stated again, "So that's why the dorm was feeling so empty?! I didn't even notice it was gone" I bit a heap of the salad. 

"Look who decided to finally try something healthy! You were picking up weight there Thea" The familiar but severely annoying voice chirped.

"Lay it off Julissa, go be a stick in someone else's ass" I replied rolling my hazel eyes and resumed eating my salad. 

To my surprise she swiped it off the table, making a mess on the floor and getting me more irritated than usual at her ridiculous stunts. "Don't you have another mother to steal or boyfriend to go mess with Julissa? If you didn't get the gist, leave us the fuck alone before we both do something we'll regret later on" 

"Shut up you whore! You stole my boyfriend and that's why I hate you don't you get it?!" She spoke out and wiggled a freshly manicured finger at me. 

"We can't even fucking exhale with this bitch 'round" Zaya grumbled beside me taking a sip out of her water and rolling her dark brown eyes at Julissa.

"You've got it all wrong, see what happened was that Gio finally saw your true colors after a summer at your parent's cabin that he came running to me instead, not my fault, but besides that, I don't want trouble" I shrugged my arms and placed both of my forearms on the table leaning on it. The fact that I was begging for her not to give me trouble surprised everyone at the table, except Zaya, she was in her world of unbothered yet still listening to the conversation.

"Well, you got yourself into trouble when you first came into my line of vision and dared to challenge me in everything. I'm 10x better than you at everything"

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