Chapter 17

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❝ I would like to show you what true love can really do ❞

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❝ I would like to show you what true love can really do ❞

Cuddles and Love

SEEING ZAYA HAS ALREADY SPED away Alion had no ride, "Well what are we waiting for?" He looks at me confused and then rushes with me to my car.

I hurry to the hospital where they're holding Thea and go to the receptionist where Zaya already is,

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, we're here for Althea Carter?" She says signaling to all of us,

"Are you family of the recipient?"

The familiar voice of Zaya disappears and Alion speaks, "Babe, let's just go wait and see if her parents let us see her"

We all exited to the waiting room but not before hearing, "CODE BLUE! SHE'S CRASHING!"

My heart's pace went faster when doctors rushed into a room with a cart full of needles, shock paddles, and a bunch of medical equipment, "No! Thea stay with me please!" Her father screamed and doctors asked him to wait in the waiting room and he obliged after a few seconds. He came into the waiting room and sat down, He sighed and placed his face into his hands.

25 minutes later doctors came out of the room looking exhausted, a blonde female came to the waiting room, She opened a chart, "Althea Carter?"

We all stood up, "Her brain was swelling drastically so we put her in a medically induced coma to let the swelling go down, and then she may wake up again"

"Thank you, Doctor, Can we see her?" Mr.Carter speaks afterward, "You may, but I advise that some things happen during medically induced comas, the patient might go into a vivid dream and possibly start crying or their hand might curl momentarily. We placed tissues on the side if that does happen" The doctor gives a respectful nod before departing,

"You're her friends?" Mr.Carter inspects all of us with scrutinizing glares, We all tense under his gaze and Alion nods. His gaze softens, "Thank you for coming, We haven't been the best family," He rocks a sleeping Cassius on his shoulder "It's good to know she had supportive friends there for her" He smiles lightly.

"No problem Mr.Carter," Zaya says cheerfully and gives him a handshake, He responds, "Call me Jeremy, I'm going to get this little guy something to eat, you guys can go in and see her" We shake our heads and head towards room 234, Zaya opens the door quietly and covers her mouth as a sob closes her throat. Wires are placed on her chest monitoring her heart, drips and IV needles intrude her arms.

I keep thinking about the 'what ifs', What if I had gone on that 'date' with Thea, what if it went well and we went on a second one? What if I had never gone on that double date? Would she still be healthy and alive?

It's too late now regardless, she's now bed-bound and helpless. Though I wonder what she's possibly dreaming about. I pull a chair up and sit next to her bed while Zaya, grabs her hand on the other side.

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