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Gothi was hesitant to give us the book but eventually she agreed. We found out that it was a sort of ointment you had to rub on the wound to heal it. It was last known to be located in Targo. A village who's chief was a sorceress. Also the creator of the ointment.

"That's practically months away!" Hiccup said.

"Like the other side of the planet!" Fishlegs added.

"Well then how are we gonna get it?" I threw my hands up defeatedly.

"Hey... didn't Corbin say there were like two portals?" Tuffnut asked.

"Yeah... what about them?" I asked putting my palms on the table.

"Well maybe we can travel through the other world." He said.

"That wouldn't work. We would still have to travel to the other side of the world since I'm assuming they aren't in the same place and plus we don't have any of that dust we need to get through them." Hiccup said.

"Plus we wouldn't be able to bring our dragons with us. If it's actually far away we would have to land and that risks us and our dragons safety." Fishlegs said.

"Maybe the vorör spirits protect them too." I said thinking.

"What's that?" Snotlout asked.

"Gaurd spirits that protect worthy travelers." Hiccup said summing them up in one sentence.

"Plus we still don't have any of that dust." Astrid said.

"That's the only problem. We would do it if we had any." Hiccup ran his hands through his hair. I smiled at him and he made eye contact and smiled confusedly at me. I shook my head and looked back at the table where the book was.

We thought about it for a while.

"Guys it's really not the biggest deal. Blue and I don't have to compete. I really was just excited for her to be able to see again. She's seemed kinda frustrated recently and I keep having to bandage up her nose after she bumbs into things." I laugh. Truth was, blues been acting so reserved recently. Usually she's restless and excited and energetic but she's just exhausted now with all she has to do to keep herself from getting hurt. And whatever she does it doesn't help very much. I just didn't want her to be tied down like she was.

"No. We're going." Hiccup said. The others nodded firmly. Tears came to my eyes suddenly. I can't believe it! They're doing this for me?!

Why am I being so emotional?

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head and smiled as I felt a tear drip down my face. "Nothing. I Just- ...thanks." I said and wiped my face. Astrid smiled softly at me and I put my head down.

"So what's the plan?" I ask changing the subject.

"Well we fly to Targo. And then we ask the sorceress for some of the ointment. Maybe she's nice and will give some to us."

"And if she doesn't?" I asked.

"Then there's plan b." Hiccup said cracking his knuckles.

"You can't steal from a sorceress!" I say. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! She's kill us in an instant!"

"Have some faith is us y/n." Ruffnut said and crossed her arms. I chuckled and shook my head.

"This is unbelievable." I muttered. They were sticking their necks out for me and blues happiness. I knew now that I wouldn't hesitate to do the same for any of them in return.

Hiccup x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now