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"I'm really sorry y/n." Gill said for the millionth time today.

"Gill. It's fine. Really. Now if I died that would be another story." I said trying to get him to stop apologizing. We had stopped for the day even though it was early evening. Valka put something she had happened to bring with her and we waited to see if there was venom or poison in my leg. So far it looked fine.

"Hey what's with all the scars on your face and the burn?" Astrid said.

"Astrid!" I said and kicked her.

Gill scratched his head.

"You don't have to answer that Gill." I said and glared at Astrid who glared back.

"It's fine. I think it's the least I can do for pulling you into that situation." He said. I shook my head at him letting him know he still didn't have to but he did anyways.

"My father used to work for Corbin. And it was fine. The family had money and everything was great. But he started making enemies on his missions and sometimes they would find out where we lived and would try to get him or us killed. Once they lit the house on fire." He said feeling his burn mark and remembered his past.

"Was everyone ok?" I asked.

"My brother died." He said and put his head down. "And then my father thought the best thing to do was run away from us so that they wouldn't come for us but that didn't work and now we didn't have anyone to provide for us. My mom was a seamstress but she had five kids and not very much business. So Corbin offered me a job and I took it. And the rest of the scars were from missions." He said. "Before we had enough money to move the people killed my mother and youngest sister."

We all sat silently. What were we supposed to say in that moment?

"I'm really sorry Gill." I said.

He nodded sadly before putting a smile on.

"I'm hungry. Do you guys want some food?" He asked and pulled out the tote bag. I nodded. Even after that story and the previous events I was starving.

He pulled out a small loaf of bread and ripped of pieces for everyone.

That night we slept with the vöror spirits wandering around us. Just one more week. I thought.

The next week was spent walking, buying food and talking with each other. Soon gills house came into view.

"You can stay here if you need." Valka said motioning to gills leg.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind coming. Plus I'm not sure if you'll get lost or not and I don't want to risk that."

Valka sighed. She knew we would probably still need him. He laughed and we kept walking.

Only a day later and we reached what used to be that beautiful structure but now it looked.... it looked like a bunch of people had broke in.


"Oh no!" Gill said.

"No. No. No. No." I said and sprinted down to the entrance.

"Y/n!" Hiccup yelled after me.

"No." I whispered as I ran through the entrance. Rubble littered the floor and water. "What happened?" I asked myself. I could hear the others calling for me but I ignored it.

I looked around for people but I couldn't see anyone. I ran over to where the portal was. I think it would still work. From there I ran all the way to where they kept blue. I pushed the door open. Glass was shattered and my heart stopped beating for a second.

"No!" I yelled. "This cant be happening." I walked forward in the enclosure walking around the broken glass and litter.

"Blue?" I asked "a-are you in here?" 

No reply. A tear forced its way down my cheek. I kicked some wood and threw my hands around in anger.

They must have taken her.

I stopped still when I heard growling.

"Blue? Is that you?"

A dragon poked its head out still growling. It's eyes had been scratched and white pupils replaced the old ones. But I knew who it was. It was blue. they had scratched her eyes out.

I walked slowly towards her.

"Blue. It's me. It's ok." I said. I let her sniff me before petting her. She purred and whimpered.

"I'm so sorry." I said and put my head on hers.

"Oh my gods!" I heard hiccup say as he came over. Blue started growling again.

"It's just hiccup." I said. She stopped growling and hiccup pet her. Valka came to pet her next and blue got the hint that she was among friends. Gill stood to the side looking at blue in wonder.

"Was she blind before?" He asked.

I shook my head. "They must have hurt her." I said hugging blue. Those icy blue eyes that used to stare at me were replaced with blank white ones.

"I want to go home now." I sniffed

Hiccup nodded and pulled me into a hug as I cried softly. "Itll be ok." He whispered. I nodded.

"Here's the dust." Gill said pulling the sack of dragon powder.

"What will you do?" I asked Gill.

"I'll stay here. I'm sure Corbin and sal are hiding out here somewhere." He chuckled. I smiled and nodded again.

"Let's go." Astrid said. I grabbed blues face and guided her walking backwards to the pool.

"You know what we're gonna do now yeah?" I asked her and she nodded. "Good. We can fix you up at home." I said looking at the red scratches across her body. "What did they do to you?" I whispered and shook my head.

"It was nice knowing you guys." Gill said. We all went up and hugged him goodbye Astrid just shook his hand and hiccup patted his back.

"Bye." I said and smiled at him.

"Here we go." I exhaled and sprinkled some of the dust on the pool. "Alright blue. Follow me." I said and she nodded again signaling she understood. I dove into the pool and began swimming through the various unnatural colors and the changing temperature. This time the water was cold on the side where hiccup and Astrid where coming from and we swam into the warmer water once again. Blues nose stayed pressed against my hand as I led her through.


I could see the glowing plants on the top of the cave. How I missed this world. I hit the surface and took a deep breath of cold air before coming up. Now we have to wait for the others. First came up Astrid. I helped her out and she wrapped her arms around her since we were no longer dressed for cold yet we were still dry fortunately. Then valka came up. We helped her out and she hugged each of us before sighing. And finally hiccup came through. Me and Astrid pulled him out and I grinned at him.

"It's good to be back!" He said. I nodded and took his hand as we walked out of the cave.

"Almost there blue." I said. "We're almost home." She gurgled. The ground wasn't snowy anymore but the air was cold. Spring would be here soon but winter had only just passed

We climbed around the cliff edge and we're welcomed with the sight of something I was hoping to leave behind.


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