The dream

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There's hiccup. But why is he young?

I must be dreaming.

I'm in the blacksmith with gobber and hiccup gets pushed in

"Nice for you to join us." Gobber says making me snicker. Hiccup gives me a playful look making me laugh even harder. But it's not exactly me.

I think it's a memory

Gobber and hiccup are arguing as I sharpen a sword on the spinning wheel. My arms are sweaty and sparks are flying out the end of the blade like fire.

"You stay here." Gobber tells hiccup as I swing the sword around my shoulder and run it to the front and let someone grab it and run.

Hiccup turns to me smiling mischievously.

"Don't you dare! He said stay here." I tell him.

"Oh come on! This is my big chance!" Hiccup says as he gets his cannon thingy and rolls it out of the blacksmith.

"Hiccup! Stop!" I yell.

"Come on y/n! Are you gonna help me or not?"

I run forward about twenty feet in front of him so that I'm in his way.

"Get outta the way y/n." He says and swats his hand around.

I shake my head. He slowly starts rolling it toward me. I stand my ground.

"I'm gonna crash into you if you don't move!" Hiccup yells going a little faster now. He knows I'm too stubborn to move and so I wait for him to ram into me. I close my eyes and wait for impact. And wait. And wait a little more. I open one eye and find that hiccup is nowhere to be found.

I spin around and see him running and pushing the cannon towards the cliff.

"Hiccup I swear to the gods!" I yell as I run after him.

"Just wait y/n! I'm gonna shoot one down."

"Oh yeah? And then what are you gonna do?" I ask.

"I'm gonna-"

"Y/N!" I hear Astrid yell from the village. I turn towards her voice worriedly. I look back at hiccup.

"Hiccup...." I say frustration edging my words

"Go!" He yells flipping his around gesturingfor me to get gone. "She might be dead now that your taking so long." He tells me before turning and watching the sky with a determined look on his face. I sigh and shake my head

"DONT DIE!" He yell as I run away.

"YOU TOO!" I yell back as I run into the village.

"Astrid! Where are you!" I yell as I run through the crowd.

"Y/n! Come on! Help me out here!" She says dousing a fire with a bucket of water.

"Jeez Astrid. When you scream my name it better be because your about to die." I say and grab a bucket. She chuckled and soon the fires are out and the dragons have left.

"I shot one down dad I swear!" I hear hiccup say. I jog over to him where a small crowd has formed. Astrid and her friends are behind me.

I look at hiccup who's been arguing with his father for a while now.

"Come on!" Hiccup says frustratedly. He looks around until his eyes land on me.

Snot lout says something mean and I look at him.

"It's not like you've done much. All you do is flirt with people." I say making Astrid and ruffnut chuckle. Snotlout looks at me giving me a very unintimidating look. I just smile at him sarcastically and look back to hiccup.

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