The ointment

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We walked with bug out of the prison up a long stairway and into the blinding sun. Around us was a bustling village full of people wheeling carts around and children playing. Bug skipped ahead of us and we had to jog to catch up with her.

"So... where exactly are the dragons at?" Snotlout asked.

"Up there. We have a sanctuary for them." Bug replied cheerily.

Relief rushed through me.
Sanctuary. That sounds safe.

"So bug. Your moms the sorceress?" Tuffnut asked.

"Uhhh yeah." She said slowly. "You know of her?"

"That's actually the reason we're here." Hiccup said

"We need that ointment." Ruffnut rubbed her hands together mischievously.

Bug eyed her hands suspiciously.

"Uhhh.... yeah." She said cautiously. She seemed to be getting sweaty. "What exactly are you planning on doing with it?"

I hesitated. I wasn't sure if we should have told her we were looking for the ointment in the first place but since she already knew we wanted it there wasn't much I could do to make it any worse.

"We want it to heal my dragon." I said "she was blinded a few months back and it's really throwing her off. It's throwing us both off." I admit.

She looked at me and swallowed but then nodded seeming to calm a little bit.

"You alright there?" Tuff asked her.

"Yeah I-I just... people can go to far lengths to get that ointment. I suppose that's why mom locked you up so suddenly." She said before turning around and walking again.

"Makes sense." Hiccup said as we followed.


After about a minute of silence a garden came into view. Dragon roars were heard inside. I looked at hivcup who I could tell was excited to see toothless. It had been a while since I'd seen blue and I could feel the same excitement burn inside of me. Bug lead us through a large gate and we are welcomed by the sight of a wide variety of dragons roaming and playing in a large enclosure.

"I'm assuming my mom put them in the stable and tamed them with hypnosis to keep them from resisting." Bug said and turned to a barn that was near the entrance. Once we were inside we saw our dragons all sleeping despite it being only five o clock.



The twins yelled in sync and ran to their dragons as did most of the rest of us.

The dragons didn't wake up and I started to feel a knot of panic build up. We looked at bughorn, some with worry some with anger some with confusion.

"Like I said they've been hypnotized. Lucky for you I know the counter action from my early years training with my mom." She said and walked forward to Astrid and stormfly who were the nearest to her. Astrid glared at her suspiciously.

"Calm down." Bug said "I'm not gonna do anything to hurt her."

Astrid eyed her before clearing out of the way of her path to stormfly. Bug smiled and walked forward before using her fingers to open stormfly eyes and the blowing on her nose. Stormfly jumped up and shook her head around before jumping on bug and lifting her tail threateningly. Bugs eyes got wide before Astrid held her hands up and stopped stormfly.

"It's ok." Astrid said.

Stormfly looked from Astrid to bug and then stepped off of her. Astrid helped bug up who dusted herself off and thanked Astrid who nodded before petting stormfly affectionately.

She came to Fishlegs next. And then the twins, hiccup, Snotlout, and me.

Blue hopped up and sniffed around alerted.

"Blue. It's ok. It's me." I said and patted her head. Once she recognized me she nudged my hand up into her head and purred. I hugged her head, happy to have her back.

I pulled the pouch out of my belt and passed it to bug. She caught it and smiled at me.

"Thanks!" She said

"Thank you too!" I replied

"What are you gonna do now?" Bug asked.

I looked at the gang.

"We could have easily been killed and I'm not gonna risk that for something that isn't completely necessary." I said

Hiccup looked down sadly.

"Sorry we couldn't get it." He said

"It's ok." I said. "Well just have to do without it." I said to blue. She whimpered a little bit nodded.

Bug sighed.

"This is a really stupid thing for me to do but I like you guys a lot and despite meeting you like an hour ago I trust you... so I'm gonna give you this." She said and opened the pouch.

Inside was a small vial with a deep red liquid inside. It was the same ointment depicted on the book Gothi gave to us. I gasped as did a few others.

"You did steal it!" Ruffnut grinned.

Bug chuckled. "Yeah. I did." She handed the ointment to hiccup who was standing a few feet away from her.

"Is this the only one?" Fishlegs asked.

"Each sorceress can only make one per life time and the last one was used to save me."

"Elaborate..?" Tuff said.

"I almost died when I was born. That's kinda it." She shrugged.

"Ok...." Snotlout said

"Anyways! Just rub it on her eyes and it should heal." She said.

Hiccup grinned and walked over to me holding the ointment out.

But before the ointment was passed to me the door opened and a loud voice broke the peace.


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