The chase

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The gang and bug looked over to see none other then the sorceress.

"It wasn't you who stole the ointment! It was your little friends!" She screeched.

"No mom! It wasn't!" Bug tried to reason but the sorceress was already charging at hiccup. Hiccup jumped onto toothless and ran past the sorceress and out of the door.

I hopped onto blue and followed but the sorceress stopped me with her magic. Blue squirmed and panicked and I had to pet her to let her know it was ok.

Then the sorceress whistled and a large storm cutter burst through the barn doors and they flew off together.

"I'll go help hiccup! Gill! Go open up the portal so we can all get through!" I ordered and gill nodded, running out the door before stormfly picked him up and flew off with Astrid and him on her back. The rest of the gang followed after them.

I hopped on blue and took to the sky to see where hiccup went. In the distance I could see two riders so we flew after them at full speed.

Hiccups POV:
I did the only thing I could have done in that situation. I flew away.

The vial was still firm in my grasp and I wasn't planning on letting it go. I knew it meant a lot to y/n and I wasn't about to give it up.

I could see the sorceress flying after me her changing somehow was faster than toothless and she was quickly gaining on me.

"Come on bud!" I urged toothless.

He roared and shot a plasma blast back at bugs mom. She easily dodged and I was starting to worry that she would catch us.

After about three seconds I looked back again to see how close she was. Behind me was clear sky and nothing else. I swiveled my head around knowing that I couldn't have possibly lost her. But I didn't see her. We were flying above ocean and I had been flying towards a set of rock formations in order to lose her. I started to fly up to avoid them since that wouldn't be necessary any more.

I was still staying alert since she was a sorceress after all and could be waiting for me around the next corner.

I put the small vial in my mouth since that seemed like the safest place where it would get crushed. It tasted gross and I gagged at how many hands had touched it but I pushed through and managed not to throw up.

Suddenly I heard a battle cry to my left. My head spun and I looked directly into the eyes of the sorceress who smashed into me throwing me off of toothless.

As I was free falling I saw the sorceress use her magic to hold toothless where he was.

I put formed in my stomach.

Is it over?

My eyes stayed on toothless who was wriggling around with all of his might but to no use. The sorceress was watching me fall and was making toothless watch too.

The wind pushed me around and soon I was spinning around and flipping upside down.

The ocean below me came into my line of vision and I watched as it got bigger and bigger until it wasnt long till it swallowed me whole.

I was hoping I would be lucky like y/n was. She had fallen off armor island multiple times since she moved there and survived. But I realized that I had been thrown from much higher and the sorceress would make sure I didn't make it.

I heard toothless roar up above and I turned my head to look at him before something hit me once again and I looked with wide eyes at y/n who had a determined look on her face. She pointed to the spot on her saddle behind her and I followed her orders and sat down and wrapped my arms around her to secure myself and to hug her. Of course.

The relief surged through me and I almost chuckled at the fact that she was always there to catch me when I fall.

Like when I hit toothless. She was the only one to believe me. And she cheered me up about it almost instantly.

And now here she was saving me again.

Y/n POV:

I got him!

I ordered him to get in the saddle behind me and he did. He wrapped his atoms around me to secure himself but it calmed me down as well.

I knew this next but was going to be difficult. The rocks in f gn ring of us were nearing and it was too late to turn back.

I braced myself and gave blue a pat to let her know I was gonna need her to focus.

It's go time!

My fingers slid across blues skin and she followed my commands perfectly





Tuck in




Turn again.

We swooped through each obstacle and once we passed one, another stood in the way. Hiccups arms tightened around me and I felt safe.

"You're doing great blue!" I told her. She spun around as I commanded. My jaw clenched worriedly and my hands were clammy. The sweat on my face was being blown on by the wind and my hair whipped around. I could only assume that hiccup was getting a mouthful behind me.

A large cliff practically appeared out of nowhere and it seemed as if it stretched on forever in all directions.

"Blue! Stop!" I yelled.

She flapped her wings around furiously and we came to a sudden halt.

"Hiccup! Are you ok?" I asked.

He nodded at me and smiled. I sighed in relief and looked back to see if the sorceress had seen that we made it. Although I would have loved to rub it into her face it was best if she thought we were dead. I flew along the cliff and as we flew I could see it wasn't just a giant wall and in fact just a really really big cliff. We flew up and up until we were above the rocks we had just weaved our way through.

I was thinking of how we would be able to get to the portal. Or where the portal even was.


"Do you know where the portal is hiccup?" I asked.

He only shook his head.


I decided on just going back to the village to see if we could find anything. All I could think of what it would look like is a pool of water. Both of the portals in the other world were in a pool and we came out of a pool so it's gotta be a pool.

We flew above the village.

"Keep your eye out for the sorceress" I told hiccup who nodded.

We looked around for about four minutes before I saw Astrid.

"Over here!" She yelled. I grinned and flew over. The group was waiting there for us.

"Where's toothless?" Fishlegs asked.

"Oh shit." I said. "I'll go get him." I pushed hiccup off of blue and took off before anyone could stop me. Honestly I just wanted to get out of there. Get back home to valka and my aunt and uncle and away from... everything else.

On my way toothless!

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