Welcome to aero-island

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After telling everyone my story and them telling me there's we spent the week together.

At the moment we were swimming in the coral. We had previously bought waterproof suits from the locals and some we got some pointers on where was best to swim. We were class A tourists!

Blue and the others dragons were swimming around the deeper parts where they wouldn't knock into the coral. We could see a few sea dragons swimming around them that I had never seen before. I memorized them the best I could so that I could try to draw them.

A hand waved in front of me.

I looked over and saw hiccup. He pointed up At the surface and swam up. I followed him.

"I was thinking you could take us and show us where you live?" He said.

"Only if you show me the new berk!" I said.

"Sure!" He said "your aunt and uncle miss you ya know?"

I looked down at my feet in the clear rippled water. I felt a little bit guilty for not going back immediately but we were having so much fun.

"Yeah. I miss them too." I said. Hiccup seemed to read my mind and gave his best to comfort me.

"Hey! No rush. We have all the time we want." He said and gave me one of his iconic half smiles. I smiled back and we dove back under.

I swam over to blue and one of the water dragons wrapped it's tail around my leg and pulled my around a bit. I tried not to laugh. I held my hand out to it as a sign of trust and it replied by putting its nose against my palm. Once we touched little flower things sprouted on it like sea anemones. I smiled and pushed up for air. I went back down and explored a little bit more. I saw ruff nut and Tuffnut chasing some fish until an eel came out of one of the holes in the coral and scared them off. Tuffnut insisted on keeping his helmet on instead of taking it off for swimming. The rest of us had our hair flowing around through the water. I couldn't help but look over at hiccup. He was undeniably attractive. But he was still the same dork I knew on berk. He had just gained some leadership skills over the past years and his confidence was at a good spot too. No more of his father thinking he's a failure since he showed everyone dragons aren't always bad. Something he should definitely be proud of.

Astrid swam over to me and pointed to a fish that was black with little blue spots all over it that looked like blue in fish form. I let out a snort.

Big mistake. I swam to the surface at the loss of air and inhaled water before I could hit the surface.

I choked on water and felt it spilling out of my nose and mouth. Astrid came up behind me laughing. I gave her my best glare I could through the coughing. She clapped my back and tried to help.

"Maybe we should take a break." She said once I stopped dying.

"Cool." I said squinting and wiping water off my face and I started swimming to the beach.

Astrid got everyone's attention and we got into the beach.

"I'm starving!" Snot lout yells.

"Are you ever not hungry?" I ask while wiping hair out of my face.

"I wish!" He says.

I chuckle and we go to the street and buy ourselves some curry. You wouldn't believe the spices they have here! The flavors they give the curry is incredible! I made sure to buy some before we left for home cooking.

As we ate Astrid put her fingers against my shoulder. I looked over at the patch of skin her hand was on with my mouth full.

"Mm that ones for you." I said.

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