Sorvan pt.2

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Hiccups POV:
I heard someone talking. I think that it was Astrid.

"Hiccup! Hiccup wake up!"

"Astrid you said that like a billion times I don't think it's working." That was snotlout.

I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Looks like you spoke too soon snotlout." Ruffnut said.

"Wakey wakey!" Tuffnut said.

I remembered where I was and what happened suddenly.

I sat up and looked around. We were still where I passed out. A few people were crowding around but once they saw I was fine walked away.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"Like two minutes." Tuffnut said.

"Wheres the girl?" I asked.

"What girl?" Said Astrid.

"The one that looked like y/n!" I said and stood up.

"I don't know!" She said and threw her arms up. "Not like it was my job to keep an eye on her."

"Astrid she had my bracelet!" I said and pushed my sleeve to show the one identical.

"That's ridiculous." She said. "It's not y/n. Maybe she just had one that was similar.

"Maybe but she also had the same hair and she was barefoot! You know how y/n liked being barefoot!"

"That's crazy hiccup!" Astrid said.

"Maybe but are you really willing to risk not finding her if it is?" I ask.

She sighed "I don't know." Her head hung.

"We have to at least see." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I just don't want to get my hopes up." She said.

"I say we go find her!" Said ruffnut.

"For once I agree with you dear sister." Tuffnut added.

"Don't call me dear!" She said and pulled Tuffnut into a head lock.

"Fine." Astrid said.

I turned to the direction that she went and walked searching each face as we walked. The island wasn't too big. Maybe we could find her.

Y/n's POV:
Me and blue ran up and down the beach.

The sun had set and it was getting dark. Blue slowly started to glow as usual. By now I had completely forgot I was trying to keep my pants dry. I splashed blue.

"Haha!" I laughed as she looked at me with wide eyes.

She flew up and dropped on her stomach in the water making a huge splash come down on me.

I coughed on the water and wiped it out of my eyes.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" I said and charged her.

Pretty soon it was completely dark and we were standing ankle deep. I shifted my feet and smelled the ocean. Blues blue scales and eyes were the only light around and they were dim at the moment.

"Do the thing." I said and looked at blue. She knew what I was talking about and her scales glowed brighter and then went dim again and then bright and then dim over and over and every time she got bright her body hummed.

I laughed.

"You're like an oversized firefly!" I said and she gave me a gummy smile.

The wind picked up and the bandana in my hair flew behind me.

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