Moving on

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It's been a week.

All I've been doing is crying and honestly I'm sick of it. So even if I'm miserable I might as well try and get things done.

That's why me and blue are flying back to Alcove island where alaa lives. So we can buy stuff for our new home.

"Back so soon?" I heard alaa say from her booth.

I sighed. "We're moving and we need to buy a few things." I explain.

"Does that mean you can visit me more often?" She asks with a grin

"Sure does!" I smile at her.

"Well good luck! And come and say goodbye before you leave." She says as I walk past her booth.

"You got it!" I call back.

Alright. First things first. I need some fur for the beds since the last ones were getting a little crusty. 🤢

"How much you need?" The shop keeper asked.

"I need two pieces. One that's four by seven and another that's seven by seven..." I said "please." Was added on just to be polite.

"Can do."

A few moments later I was carrying a
Heep of fur over to blue.

"You are the most expensive dragon I've ever met you know." I told her.

She smiled at me smugly and turns away so that I can't get into the saddle.

"Wow ok. Some friend. It's a good thing I'm polite or no one would like you."

She glares at me and turns to the side so that I can fit the furs into her saddle. Then I head back up to the booths.

Food... Check!

Armor... check!

Mmm... everything else? Check!

Maybe I'll treat myself a bit, i thought as I saw a pair of beaded earrings

Maybe I'll treat myself a bit, i thought as I saw a pair of beaded earrings

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"How much are those?" I ask.

"20 copper pieces ma'am" the women in the booth answered.

A little on the expensive side but I don't mind too much. I seem to get money pretty easily.

"Did you make them?" I ask. Maybe I can charm her to lower the price without her even knowing.

"Sure did!" She said proudly.

"Those are the most beautiful ones I've seen all day! You must be very talented!" I said. I wasn't lying. They honestly were very pretty and unlike any other earrings I had seen recently.

"Aww thank you very much! That means so much to me."

"Really though I mean it! They are gorgeous!" I told her "Here you go!" I said handing her the 20 copper pieces from out of my pocket.

"Oh! You're too kind! But please I don't really need that much."

Heh 😏

"Oh! but they are worth much more then that! I couldn't possibly give you any less." I said keeping up my work.

"I insist!" She said and placed five of the copper pieces and the earrings into my hand.

"I really appreciate that." I said with a small smile.

"Thank you for coming!" She waved as I walked away.

Too easy!

"Look blue!" I said showing her the earrings. She gurgled in admiration and I put them on with the help of a small mirror I had also bought today.

"Let's head back." I said as I climbed onto blue.

"Goodbye Alaa!" I called and waved to her. We didn't have much time to talk today because she had work and I had things to do but I would visit again soon.

"See you soon?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said as we took off.

Four hours later we were back on our little floating island.

"Welcome back" I said. And hopped off blue. Next I took off her saddle which was extremely heavy now that we had filled it with many things.

"Woah!" I said trying not to drop it. "Sorry it's so heavy blue." I apologized.

She grunted.

With her help we carried it to the treehouse.

"I'm gonna need to make some stairs" I said as we set the saddle down on the floor. You could easily climb up the branches but with any of your hands occupied it would prove very difficult.

I got to work and built a set of stairs the went all the way up to the door. About three or four hours later it was finished and we carried the saddle up to the one room tree house.

I groaned as we set it down.

"Alright let's get the bed stuff out and then go to sleep," I said yawning. It's hard work making a staircase and carrying a saddle that weighs a ton.

Once our beds were set up, mine in the far corner and Blues in the corner to right of mine, and colorful pillows and cushions laid out, we got into bed. I fell right asleep with the new soft furs and comfortable pillows after the work we did today giving me minimal time to think about anything else luckily.

The next day I got up and changed into a breezy cropped shirt and a flowy skirt and got to work on the inside of the house.

I pulled out the ceramic tea set and put it on the shelf. I put up the geode from Astrid and hung the dagger on a hook. A chest that we had moved from the cave was in a corner near the door and a put many of my belongings inside. A flute and other instruments I had collected went on another shelf and my many many sketch books and dragon books went on a shelf as well. A small potted plant was hung in place with a macrame net holding it up. I would need to collect some clay to build a fire place and chimney on the wall my bed was facing. I could get that done today maybe.

I had noticed earlier that the lagoon had a good amount of grey and smooth clay that looked to be in good condition.

Transferring the heavy clay i would need took many periodic trips of me sculpting and then hauling some more up the stairs. I was careful not to make a mess on anything except myself which was obvious by the time I had finished. The clay was becoming hard and it would take a few days to fully dry. It was only for cooking for now since the weather was nice despite it being November. Maybe something to do with the altitude.

I slipped into the lagoon with my clothes on and floated there for a bit before scrubbing out the clay and dirt from my clothes and then hanging them up on a string I lined through a few branches to dry and the colorful fabric blew with the breeze. Everything was incredibly peaceful.

I sighed and soon the stars started popping up in the sky. Blue returned home from a small fly around by herself and congratulated me on my work.

We went inside and I lit a few candles and lanterns that I had bought and placed them around so that We could see.

I pulled out my new sketchbook and drew Astrid the best i could from memory. Then I began on hiccup. My aunt and uncle. Toothless.

In the next month I got three more tattoos.

An axe on my shoulder for Astrid

Toothless with his red tail

And next to toothless was Hiccup with his hand against toothless' nose.

So Now the most important people in my life, would be with me wherever I went. My main comfort during the next year until my life suddenly changed once again.

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