§ 68 - IKON : TIRED §

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Requested by : JedenPark
Caregiver : IKON
Little : Chanwoo


The Kingdom finally end after ten weeks of long fight and stress. IKON was crowned on fourth place but they still slay as legend and their stage will remain as history in Kingdom.

Not to mention that all of them literally introvert and only befriend with each other, it's great to see that they finally make friends with others.

They become close to SF9 and TBZ members making IKONIC feel proud like a mom for all of them.

It's not easy to be friend with completely strangers if you are an introvert! 

The only friend Chanwoo have among the contestants are Chani and his members.

The fact that they already become friends make Chanwoo happy, but don't forget.

Maknae line of IKON literally still young and sometimes they need something to express themselves.

"What we gonna eat tonight June?  I kinda want fried chicken, pizza and coke to celebrate that we're free from Kingdom.."

"Hush!  Come on Donghyuk, don't say that loudly.. Well, ask Jinan Hyung.. He's the oldest, let him decide.."

The main dancer of the group shrug his shoulder and goes to Jinhwan, "We kinda want pizza, fried chicken and coke for tonight.. Can we eat that?"

"Emm.. Let's consider it as a supper, I'll treat you guys barbecue meat! Usual place!"

"Assa!!  You're the best Hyung! "

The maknae line in joy except for one person, Chanwoo looks so tired and unable to focus on their conversation.

"Chanwoo? Are you okay maknae??", Yunhyeong ask the youngest. 

"Eung? Yeah.. Don't mind me, I'm just tired.."

The older brother kinda not confident with that answer, and after half an hour all of them ready to go except for one.

Chanwoo literally don't move from his seat, Jinhwan goes to him and pat his back. "Come on maknae.. We're going home.. Let's go.."

"Euh.. Wait! My bag.."

"Here!", June show off the bag of Chanwoo, he help Chanwoo to pack his bag. 

"You looks so tired, that's why I help you.."

Chanwoo walk in the middle of them and immediately close his eyes once he board the van. He feel so tired and he only want to sleep right now. 

Half an hour later they arrive at the barbecue place and Jinhwan wake the maknae slowly. 

"Chanwoo ahh.. We're here.. You said you wanna eat meat if Kingdom ends, and now you can eat it.. Stuff yourself until you satisfy with it lil one.."

Chanwoo looks so confused as he wake up, he looks around and notice the van already empty leaving him with Jinhwan.

"I don't want to go Hyung.. Can I stay here instead?"

"No.. You can't.. You needs to eat, you didn't eat any heavy meal today Chanwoo ahh.."

"No.. I wanna stay here... Please.. 🥺"

Jinhwan take a look at Chanwoo, he's guessing that Chanwoo slowly slipping but he didn't know it. 

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