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G-et into God's Word

Proverbs 16:1-3,9

'To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue. All a person's ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord . Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. 'Proverbs 16:1-3,9 

R-eflect into God's Word

When is the time were we expect delays?

Delays are not avoidable, It is annoying, and it feels like the things and plan we had was slowing down. But sometimes, delays are good and it's sometimes better to wait.

It's a hassle when we need to be on time for our school or work but the road we've taken was on traffic. I remember a year ago when I was traveling from home to work. One morning, I wake up early, prepared all my necessary things for the office, and depart from home at around 6:30 am, l was in the waiting shed, waiting for a bus/jeepneys going yo the way to my destination. But, 5 mins up to 45mins, I'm still waiting, no jeep, no buses, were passing, and a lot of other passengers were also crowd waiting also for the ride. Timepass and it causes me delays, I started to feel annoyance, and thinking all the way I did just to become early but there I am, counting of almost an hour of waiting for the vehicles going to work. I know that I've already late but I have no choice but to wait. A minute later, one jeepney pass and stop as other passengers were also in a hurry and running to ride, I try to calm myself, and try to take over others just to hop in and I did! It feels like, Ugh, finally.
On the way, I had no experience of traffic, no one from my co-passenger was going down and all the way on the road was smooth and when I finally arrive on my destination, there are more 5 minutes before I time in on my office.

On a spiritual level, we are sometimes experiencing delays. We plan and make a route for our way to our goal but it slows down because of such delays we encounter and it causes us to redirected.

Solomon never saw a sign that said, "expect delays." But in Proverbs 16, he does contrast our plans with God's providential guidance. we have ideas about what's supposed to happen but sometimes God has another path for us.

O-bey to transform

When frustration comes, what will help you lean into God and trust him more? how do you typically face unexpected delays?

In our times of worrying, we could as Solomon teaches, grow on the same plate trusting that God guides us, step by step, as we prayerfully seek Him, await His leading, and yes-allow Him to continually redirect us.

W-restle in Prayer

There's always a time to talk to God. We know that. and we do not need to reason out that we can't talk to Him. Let's hope and expect good things from Him for He knows what's better.




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