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Ana looked from the kitchen to see Sam slowly walking down the stairs as if not to wake anyone else

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Ana looked from the kitchen to see Sam slowly walking down the stairs as if not to wake anyone else. He paused just as he caught sight of Ana just staring at him. "You're up."

"So is Bucky."

Sam glanced over at the couch and then at Ana again, "Please tell me you guys didn't do what I think you did?"

Ana doesn't answer him and instead offers a plate of breakfast. She walks over to the fridge and pours him some orange juice. Before sitting across from him, noticing how Sam had a disgusted look on his face. "I don't want to lie so I'm just not going to directly answer you."

Sam groaned and shook his body as though he was trying to shake off germs, "I specifically told you two to not have sex in my family's house."

Ana scooped food into her mouth, "We were careful."

"Uh-huh. Where's the condom?"

Ana scratched the back of her head with a nervous smile before she swallowed her food, "We just made sure to not to wake anyone up."

Slowly, Sam closed his eyes in disgust, "I hate you both."

"Thanks." Ana laughed softly, she leaned against the table, "What brings you up so early?"

Sam inhaled deeply, pushing past the bomb dropped on him, "Bucky... he, ah, talked to me yesterday. And that talk with Isaiah, it really got me thinking... I'm going to pick up that shield."

Ana took a moment to completely comprehend what Sam had said, "Are... Are you sure? I know we didn't really talk much about why you rejected the shield originally but I understood enough."

"I'm never sure with everything happening now. I was never one to look at life and see it as easy. But... Isaiah made a point and so did Bucky. That shield represents America and I think we need to represent what America should be."

"You'd definitely do that." Ana leaned her head into her hand while she stared over at him. She pressed her lips together before sighing, "I know that this is probably hard. I mean, I can't completely say anything because I didn't struggle in life because of my skin color. But I understood enough as to why this is definitely a hard decision."

"I feel like it's a hard decision. You know, but I remember that I was judged my whole life already. Just because I'm putting on stars and stripes doesn't change anything to me." Sam pushed his food around on his plate, "I'm really willingly going under the scrutiny of all America."

"Well, technically the whole world." Ana says, her voice teasing which Sam definitely caught and sent a look of displeasure, "I think you'll be great."

"You'd say that to anyone."

"I would never say that to John Walker." Ana pointed right at him as she got up from her seat after hearing her phone buzz. "Again, I really think that you are going to be an amazing Captain America. Better than Steve ever was."

Snowman {Bucky Barnes}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن