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Previously on WandaVision

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Previously on WandaVision...

"The talent show fundraiser is the most important event of the season and I want us to fit in."

"I actually don't know what I'm doing here."

"I'm Wanda. And this is my cousin, Ana."


"Wanda? Ana? Can you read me, over?"

"Something strange happened with Dottie... And Ana. Well, something strange happened before that, too. It's hard to explain."

"It wasn't so hard to fit in after all."

"What was that?"


"Is this really happening?"

"Yes, my love."

Title Sequence



We got something cooking

And it's looking good

We've got something cooking

And who knew we could

All great expectations

Lead to complications

But it's groovy and fun

It's me and it's you

Together, one plus one

Is more than two



Some sudden surprises

Come in all shapes and sizes

But it's rainbows and sun

It's you and it's me

Together, one plus one is family


Cut to: Interior Living Room, Day

Ana leans on the edge of the couch as Dr. Nielsen uses his stethoscope to listen to Wanda's belly. She looked right over to Vision, who seemed so incredibly nervous about everything. He noticed Ana looking at him and smiled, which was returned by Ana.

"Hmm. Hmm. Yep!" Dr. Nielson took his stethoscope off, "Definitely pregnant."

"Well, that much we figured."

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