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Ana laughed while the boys ran around her to get into the living room

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Ana laughed while the boys ran around her to get into the living room. She was cleaning some dishes, despite Sarah saying she could do them. She was actually glad to be around them like this, it was actually incredibly comforting to be near something normal.

"Boys!" Sarah yells, "It's time for bed."

"But mom-"

Ana couldn't stop the laughter as they tried to hide behind her as though she could help, "Nope, your mom is right."

"But you said you'd let us see your powers."

Ana walked around them and knelt down, "If you two boys get ready and go to bed. I'll give you guys a firework display when I'm done helping your Uncle."

With that the boys went running up the stairs, Sarah put a hand over her chest and grinned over at Ana, "You are God-sent, I swear."

"I like kids." Ana shrugs her shoulders before going back to set the dishes on a drying rack, "They're really sweet. Rambunctious, but sweet."

"I didn't get to say it before-" Sarah leaned against the wall, noticing how Sam and Bucky were talking in the living room, "Thank you, for being here and helping out."

"No problem. Sam is a really good friend, plus, it's really nice to know that he's also from Louisiana."

"Right, he mentioned that you used to live in Louisiana. What made you move?"

"Shield." Ana admitted to her as she leaned against the counter, "My grandmother and mother have a pretty big legacy, so as a teenager I had huge shoes to fill."

"Well, I think you don't fit those shoes." Sarah has a thin smile on her face, "I'm not a huge fan of the Avengers. I do appreciate everything you've done, I mean, Sam is part of it, but our world is still pretty messed up."

"It is." Ana agrees, eyes drifting downward for a moment, "Even if I feel like I'm doing something, that's better than doing nothing."

"I get that." Sarah checked the time again, "I think I'm going to hit the hay. Don't let Sam stay up too long."

"I won't." Ana watches as Sarah goes up the stairs and she walks around to look at the boys sharing a beer in the living room, "That is disgustingly domestic of the two of you."

Sam rolled his eyes and tossed her an unopened beer, "Says the one who was just doing the dishes." He drank down the rest of his beer and stood up, "I'm heading to bed. And remember-" He pointed at the two of them, "No funny business down here."

Ana snorted before sitting down beside Bucky and setting down the unopened beer, "How are you doing?"

"I'm good." Bucky sinks back into the couch before slowly turning his head to just stare at Ana, "I'm really good."

"I'll take your word for it." Ana leaned back on the couch and stared up at him as well, "Why are you looking at me?"

"I just didn't think I'd ever be here."

Snowman {Bucky Barnes}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu