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Ana only remembered heading directly into battle

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Ana only remembered heading directly into battle. At first, their mission was to save the people and evacuate Sokovia, but soon Ultron drones were attacking everywhere. The ground below them was lifting up, Sokovia was going for a ride.

There was only so much amo Ana could have on her person. At some point she was going to run completely out. She was near Clint for most of the battle, which involved being around Wanda. Pietro was off trying to evacuate people while fighting the drones. He was fast but not fast enough to stop everything.

Ana was thrown back against a building by one of the drones while Clint took it out, "You good, Ana?"

"I'm running real low on ammo." Ana groans as Clint brings them into a building to avoid more fire.

"How could I let this happen?"

Clint closed his eyes and focused on Wanda, he knew Ana could handle herself just fine but this girl was a kid, "Hey, hey, you okay?"

"This is our fault."

Ana looks at Clint and he nods his head, indicating that he can handle Wanda from here. She goes running out and draws fire from the Ultron drones. Ana stares at a broken car and jumps on the back of it. She shoots her grapple on one of the drones and jumps on it. She flies through the town, the drone trying to throw her off, but Ana uses the shock gauntlets to take it down. She rolls onto the bridge and lands beside Steve.


"Hey." Steve reaches down and helps her get up, "You got ammo?"

"Nope." Ana taps her gauntlets together which causes a jolting sound, "I gotta use my fists."

"Alright, we're all clear here."

"We are not clear! We are very not clear!"

Ana grabbed the shield from Steve and he jumped off of it from her hands. He took down a few drones, while Ana used the shield to take down a few more. Steve caught the shield and grabbed Ana's arm before throwing her into the line of drones. She grabbed one and used her gauntlet on it before using the drone to slam into the other one.

Natasha joins them in their battle, "Miss me?"

Ana pushed her hair out of her face, "Definitely."

Natasha tossed her more ammo, "Cap."

"Natasha." Steve nods his head with a grin before talking into coms, "The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What have you got, Stark?"

"Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear."

"That's not exactly a solution, Tony." Ana furrows her brows under the sun and ignores the fatigue that was sure going to hit her later, "Not exactly a sound escape either."

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice."

Natasha looked around at all the civilians, "Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock-"

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