Captain America: Civil War

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Captain America: Civil War

"I just want to be sure you've considered all our options. Because people who shoot at you, usually wind up shooting at me too."

- Sam Wilson

- Sam Wilson

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Ana's alias Starlight somehow fit her powers and her personality. Tony decided that her suit should stay the bright color since it helped reflect some of the light she could create. For the most part, Ana understood her powers and could use them when in a battle. And after all the training, Ana ended up liking Wanda a lot and the two became good friends. She would go on missions with Steve, which usually included Sam and Wanda. So that entire group was pretty tight knit. Ana was even getting use to Vision, which became his name. Wanda wanted to see if Ana could tap into her power more but she preferred not to. Ana didn't need it or see the point in it. She was capable enough before the powers existed. Due to their work as the Avengers, the pursuit for Bucky grew cold and they had stopped altogether. Honestly, Ana was okay with it. She didn't need those confusing feelings to come up again. She was okay with pushing them away and compartmentalizing them all. Since Ultron, Ana has felt a calm with this family created. 


Erin Moriarty as Ana Walker

"I'm sorry. I know it's a little... freaky. I've been told I look a lot like her."


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Chris Evans as Steve Rogers

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

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Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes

"Are those mine?"

"Are those mine?"

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Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Why are you acting like this?"

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Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff

"Ana, I killed people... They're afraid of me and they have the right to be."


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Paul Rudd as Scott Lang

"Wow, you're really powerful and pretty. A good combination."


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Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton

"Well, it's good to be back."


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