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Ana had walked around the van a few times before she started to look at the device inside of it

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Ana had walked around the van a few times before she started to look at the device inside of it. She started to just go through the device and see exactly how it was made. She started to switch a few wires here and there which was freaking out Scott. Until she reminded him that she knew what she was doing and he eventually agreed because she explained that the device would run more smoothly if the wires had been swapped in some places.

After doing all the adjustments, Ana started to help Bruce connect the Quantum Tunnel to the control panel so it was easier to use. She eventually had to tell Scott to put his suit on because all he was doing was drinking apple juice and watching them work.

"I think that should do it..." Ana mumbles as she walks away from the van and back to where Bruce was, "Fire it up and see if it'll start."

"Okay-" Bruce hums, "Here we go. Time travel test number one. Scott, do uh... fire up that van thing..."

"On it, smart Hulk."

Ana shut her eyes, had she always been this bubbly to people. It must have been so draining to people. It felt pretty draining.

Steve walked back over to them, "Hey, so the breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby."

"Good." Bruce continues to flip some switches as the van powers up, "Cause if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose Tiny here in the 1950s."

Scott immediately stopped what he was doing and practically freeze frames in his spot, "Excuse me?"

"He's kidding!" Natasha says with a bright voice while patting Scott's back before shooting a look to Bruce.

Ana pinched the bridge of nose and nudged Bruce while speaking under her breath, "You can't say things like that."

"Just..." Bruce glanced down at her, "It was a bad joke."

Natasha walked over to where they were at, "You were kidding, right?"

Bruce messed with the collar of his shirt while whispering to Nat, "I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke, or none of it is." He suddenly stood up and put on a cheery expression, "We're good! Get your helmet on, Scott. I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in ten seconds. Makes sense?"

Scott just nodded his head, "Perfectly not confusing."

"Good luck, Scott." Steve reassures him from a distance, "You got this."

"You're right." That just seemed to really get Scott going, "I do, Captain America."

Ana simply presses the button and watches as Scott disappears into the Quantum Tunnel. She held her watch up and began to count down, "Alrighty. On the count of three. 3... 2... 1."

Scott comes back, but instead, it was a teenage version of him, "Uh, guys? This... this doesn't feel right."

"What is this?"

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