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Ana had not been in front of a camera in a long time, especially like she had been

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Ana had not been in front of a camera in a long time, especially like she had been. She couldn't completely tell everyone what had been going on, but since she wasn't an American government agent and a free agent. Ana openly discussed her dislike and disapproval of John Walker acting as if he is Captain America. She even pressed on the fact that she just had a blood relation with John but didn't view him as family. She even openly apologized to the citizens here for the display that they had to witness and expressed an apology as an Avenger, but not for the American government because that was not her problem.

Getting away from the crowd was hard, but Torres had appeared and gotten her out of the situation. Ana stayed in her suit as she sat next to Torres with her eyes trained ahead of her. Locked onto the wall with her brows furrowed together. She had realized she never saw blood on the shield and it made her heart burn just to think of it.

All of those years, as a child she saw that shield in thousands of photos. Her grandmother talked about that shield and all about Captain America. And Ana thought that John having the shield wasn't going to affect her as much as it did. But it was a lot to see blood on that shield. She brought her hands up and covered her face. A long loud sigh came from the back of her throat as she looked over at the noise happening. Sam and Bucky had finally arrived, both looking beaten and bruised. Which made Ana feel slightly bad for not coming to help because she could have probably helped. Honestly, if Ana was willing or was permitted to use her full powers she could take John down in seconds.

"Bucky-" Ana started but he just shook his head and walked past her in silence. His shoulders were slack and tired.

Sam dropped the shield down and inhaled deeply. He glanced back at Ana before putting a hand on her shoulder and leaving to change.

Ana just shut her eyes and stared back up at the roof. She focused on their emotions. Sam had regret and what also seemed to be anger, even more emotions floating in there. And then she felt Bucky. It was just so much and it was even harder for her to not- Her own thoughts were interrupted as she opened her eyes.

She moved into the backroom and pushed the door open to where Bucky was. He was in front of a sink with a foggy window in the building they were in. Ana shut the door gently behind her. "You okay?"

"I don't feel like talking."

"Okay." Ana whispers as she walks next to him. She took the already blood stained rag from him and finished cleaning up his face. She set the rag down before putting her palm on his cheek, "You guys got it back."

"He already tainted it."

Ana felt that burning and tugging in her heart again, she pressed her lips together in a small sad smile, "I know."

Bucky shut his eyes, "I need to go."

"I can come with you."

His eyes opened again and he shifted to the side so she wasn't touching him anymore. Bucky shook his head and tensed a little bit, "I need to do this on my own."

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