"Oh, where to start kid." She smirked.

"Anything you want to hear?" A trooper named Daemon asked.

"Mhm... Do you have any stories about my moms?" The teen asked.

"Depends on if you're going to tell them or not." Mikaela said, ruffling her hair.

"I won't. Besides what's there to tell? Stories they are part of tend to bore them quite easily." The young girl chuckled.

"Well in that case, maybe we should tell you about this time they took us to infiltrate Chronos' tower." Daemon smirked.

"Chronos' tower?" Alexia asked.

The soldiers all shared a knowing look and nodded. Some barely holding back a smile.

"It all started when the generals entered the briefing room, but I won't bore you with those details. The point is there was this tower of Chronos in which he liked to play all mighty titan. Zeusy didn't agree and sent his dearest daughter and fierce charioteer to take care of the problem." Daemon recounted.

Nike, Athena and Alpha squad stood between the trees and bushes, scouting the objective.

"Generals, are you sure about this? The tower has a fortified courtyard where multiple vehicles are waiting for deployment." Rexhenor pointed out, holding the binoculars in front of his eyes.

Athena and Nike shared a look.

"Positive captain. The odds might not be in our favor, but I'm confident that with our help this squad can succeed where others would fail." Nike responded.

"Besides I can always give them a taste of my bullets." Daemon smirked.

"Wouldn't you like that sergeant." Athena smirked in response.

"We shouldn't have modernized Daemon's weaponry." Diomedes muttered under his breath.

Diomedes was the group's sniper. The best in the entire Athenian army. Back in ancient times he was quite skilled with a bow. But since the invention of the sniper rifle he prefered carrying one of those around.

"I'm with Rexhenor on this general Athena. I doubt we can complete the plan. If we get seen before we make it to the passage through the court yard, we die." Mikaela remarked.

"Then don't get seen." The wisdom goddess said, turning to Mikaela with light hearted smile.

The wisdom goddess prefered not to think too much while she was out on missions like these. Her soldiers may be immortal when they weren't in the field, but they did die in battle. She tended to ignore that fact, seeing as she'd rather none of the people she called friends would die today.

A few moments later, all of them were on their way to the tower, trying to stay hidden in the greenery around them. Before they even made it halfway across they crossed paths with a patrol of dracanae.

'Great.' Nike thought to herself.

The patrol made their numbers for a victory slightly smaller. Sometimes she wished she didn't automatically calculate their odds in her head, but sadly it was part of the job.

With only the look of Athena Diomedes got in place, aiming his sniper rifle at the dracanae. He waited for them to allign perfectly and then took his shot. As the first exploded to dust at the touch of a celestial bronze bullet, the second's eyes rolled in their direction. Before the dracanae could even register what happened she too was hit with the same bullet as the first and exploded into dust.

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