I froze "That's when Hook and I are getting married."

Zelena " Well, you have to admit, she's got a flair for the dramatic. "

Me "That's it. The Black Fairy's going down right now. "

Snow "Echo, I know that you feel responsible, but this is not just your fight."

Me " She seemed to think it was. "

Regina "Yeah, well the last time I checked, she doesn't get a vote. Zelena and I will figure out a way to disable this thing. I ruined your sister's wedding. The least I can do make sure you get to enjoy yours. "

On the Jolly Roger. 

I walked into Hook's room. He was here with Charming. 

Hook " Do you think Echo will be disappointed if I don't wear it? "

Me "I don't think she'll mind. "

They turned to me surprised. 

Hook "Echo, don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding? "

Me "Charming, can you give us a minute?"

Charming nodded " Yeah, of course. "

Then he walked out. 

Hook asked worried "What is it, luv? "

Me "The Black Fairy. Gold didn't banish her. And now she's casting a curse that's going to separate me from everyone, so that I have to fight the Final Battle alone."

Hook shook his head " Not on our wedding day, she won't. Let's go. "

I put a hand on his chest "Killian, this is one I need to win on my own."

Hook " Isn't that what she wants?"

Me " If you come with me, it just gives her a chance to hurt one more person I love. And I can't let her do that. "

Hook "You've obviously made up your mind, so why did you come here then? "

Me "To tell you not to worry. And at 6:00 P.M., I will be there to say "I do." "

He shook his head "No, that's not it. "

Then he froze "You've come to say goodbye in case it doesn't work. "

I sighed "Killian... "

He put a hand on  my cheek " Let me help. "

Me "I love you."

At Regina's office. 

I walked inside and saw everyone that i loved frozen in time. 

The Black Fairy "Echo . Here to spend a final moment with your family before my curse hits? "

Me "Just let them go. This could be over before it even started. You could have what you came for. My heart. "

The Black Fairy "It's a deal. "

I turned to Hook and put a hand on his cheek "Killian. I'm sorry. This is the only way. "

Then i kissed him. 

I walked over to the Black Fairy. 

The Black Fairy "It's all right, Echo. At least one of us is getting our happy ending. "

Me "Just get it over with. "

Then she ripped my heart out. 

I gasped out. 

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