Friday Night Bites: Four Is Company, Seven Is A Disaster Waiting To Happen

Start from the beginning

"She'll just say I'm a witch again. I don't want to be a witch. Do you want to be a witch?" Bonnie retorted.

"I don't wanna be a witch." Then, Elena poured the pasta she pre-ordered from the restaurant into a bowl and stirred it all together. "You know, putting it in a bowl doesn't fool anyone, right?" Bonnie snarked. Elena gave her friend a look before going off to find the serving spoons. "Middle drawer on your left," Bonnie remembered out of the blue. Elena glanced at her peculiarly but obeyed. And lo and behold, there serving spoons were, just waiting to be used.

"So, you've been in this kitchen a million times. Big deal?" Elena said warily. "Yeah, that's it," Bonnie huffed.

Just then, their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Elena let out a sigh of relief and went to go open the door. While she was busy greeting the guests, Bonnie puzzled over her "ability to see the future". "Birthday candles," she mused. Then she reached for the drawer next to her and opened it up to find nothing other than the aforementioned candles.

A little while into the evening, Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie were eating dinner in tentative silence. They each looked around the room and at each other awkwardly before Elena finally got up the courage to say something. "So, did hear anything from Dean?" Stefan looked up from his meal and looked in her direction. "No, not since this afternoon before practice," Stefan replied. "Maybe he got abducted by teenagers again," Bonnie mumbled snidely. It was unclear to the others whether or not she intended to be heard, but regardless they heard her. "He's probably just running late," Elena countered softly. "He got held up because of traffic or something." Bonnie observed her friend tiredly. "He lives 10 minutes away. How much traffic could there be?" Before Bonnie's conversation could give rise to an argument, the doorbell rang again and this time, Stefan was the one who jumped up to go answer it while the girls had their little face-off.

Once he was out of earshot, or so they thought, Elena glared at her friend and pursed her lips. "Really, Bonnie?" "Sorry," Bonnie responded nonchalantly. "What's going on with you lately?" Elena questioned. "First, you tell me to be friends with Stefan and to pursue a relationship with Dean, and then you say it's a bad idea. Now you won't even have a civilized meal with them?" "Look, I can't explain it, but I have a bad feeling about them, okay?" Bonnie answered. "A bad feeling? What is this another one of your psychic moments?" Elena whisper-shouted. "Ahem!" a separate voice chimed in abruptly making both girls jump slightly. They both whirled in the direction of the voice and saw Dean Winchester staring down at them with a small smile. "Sorry, to break up this little tête-à-tête, but I figure I should say "hi" and apologize to the hostess for being so late," he stated.

Elena's mood brightened instantly at seeing her boyfriend and she swiftly got up and hugged him. "Hey, I was starting to think you were gonna chicken out," she half-joked. "Well, I almost did, but then I realized how important this was for you so I decided what the hell? Gotta make my girlfriend happy, right?" Dean smiled back. "Hey, Bonnie." "Hi," the Bennett descendant waved. "Well, regardless, I'm really glad you're here," Elena beamed. "Ick! Get a room, you guys," another guy's voice called out from the entryway into the dining room. It was his brother Sam. "Shut up, bitch," Dean griped. "Jerk," Sam retorted. Elena stared in confusion. "Uh, what's Sam doing here?" "Ah, Sheila kicked him out of the house said she wanted to watch her show tonight without any disruptions, and Jeremy wasn't answering Sam's calls so..." Dean trailed off. Elena nodded in understanding. "Is that okay?" Dean asked. Elena quickly shook her head. "No, it's fine. I was just asking," she remarked. "Please, grab a plate and take a seat."

After the Winchesters' arrival, the tense atmosphere seemed to ease up more. Although, Bonnie and Sam both shared a mutual distrust of Stefan- albeit for different reasons- they decided to try to let go of that for tonight. "So, was everything okay at practice today?" Elena asked Dean. "Uh, yeah, it was cool, I guess. Well, Matt and Tyler were trying to gang up on me, but other than that, it was pretty normal," Dean answered. Elena looked at him worriedly. "They did what?" "Yeah, it's not a big deal, Lena. It's just guys being guys. Matt'll get over it and Tyler... well, he knows better than to cross me," Dean smirked. "Ugh, Tyler Lockwood needs to get his ass kicked. Not repeatedly, but just one good time," Sam sneered. "I think we can all agree on that," Bonnie chuckled. They all let out a shared laugh.

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