Chapter 83 Until The End

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We got until this far, thank you for reading, love you and welcome to the Last chapter ♡


-Now Y/N, kill him.-Ophelia ordered.

You could see a tear falling from Y/N's eye, deep inside she was still there, locked, without means to escape. She standed her hand on your direction, about to shoot, when something catched you, flying away from there.

-You owe me one Rogers.-It was tony, his suit was completely smashed, but, like a miracle, still working.

-Thanks.-You smiled at your friend just injured as you were.-We need to help her. I think ophelia is taking control of her mind with key words. Just like they used to do with Buck.

-No shit Sherlock, of course it is, they're Hydra. We need to bring all the team together, let's go.


Wanda's POV

You and Vision had arrived in the battle, so chaotic that took your breath away, by your side there was Manuel holding Sarah in his arms, with her head buried on his chest to don't look at the explosions.

-There you are!-Sam came spotting you.

-So you're still mad or...-Peter asked hesitant.

-I'm sorry.-You spoke in a low tone.- I think I went too far.

-Forget it, now we are all here and that's what matters.-Thor said while holding his brother by the collar of his suit. -Brother stop fighting!

-Never!-He growled. They seemed like two childs arguing.

-Where is Y/N?-You asked.

-WHAT THE HELL WANDA?!-Natasha yelled at you- Why you brought citizens to the battlefield?!! A child?!

-These are Y/N's friends, they might help her see what she's doing it's wrong.

-She already knows it's wrong.-Steve came with Tony in front of everybody.-But Ophelia took control over her mind.

-Ophelia?-You asked.

-Long story.-Tony replied.- Anyways, can you fix her head?

-Maybe, I need to get closer to her to try it.

-Okay, let's do it.-Bucky said walking ahead.

Bucky's  POV

Sam came by your side as you walked towards Y/N, you still couldn't believe at  what was happening, how she was being manipulated by Hydra, you felt angry, about to kill that lady, you felt broken by what they were doing to her, she didn't deserve that, you wanted her to only be happy and safe.

Sam knocked more robots as the team advanced behind you, Steve and Tony unable to fight since they were too hurt from their previous confronts, thankfully the S.H.I.E.L.D forces were helping on other parts of the city.

-Y/N!-You shouted and she looked at you with her brighg eyes- DON'T LISTEN TO HER! YOU'RE NOT A WEAPON!

-Oh if it isn't the Winter Soldier...Destroy him Kontrol.-Ophelia commanded.

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