chapter 32 a desirable game

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I don't even know how to describe this, take your own conclusions

-Long chapter-



Thor had arrived. Tony asked you and the Avengers to go to the "Dungeon" floor, you've never been there, so it was everything new for you.

It was very techonologic, with three big, circled glass cages, each one of them with their own control pannel.

Wanda was next to you and whispered:

-I hate this place. Look at those cages...

-Me too.-You whispered back.

-You might hate them but they keep people safe.-Natsha adverted.

-You have such a delicate audition.

-I'm a spy. What did you want?

That made sense.

You waited for Tony to arrive with Thor and his brother. You were quite worried to be honest, you saw the attack, it was terrible, killing so many people, you remembered hugging Sarah trying to calm her while Manuel blocked the door and windows with wood.

Was he really brainwashed as Thor said? What if he was really a psicopath waiting to make his great revenge on Earth?

You felt nervous with the idea. Steve looked at you.

-It's going to be alright, he won't escape.-He said tranquilizing you.

-Steve...Is he as evil as you said?


Well that didn't calm you at all. Thanks Steve. Good job.

Tony came, followed by 10 guards and Thor. Between the guards was someone. You couldn't see very clearly, but you had a guess of who could be.

-You'll be alright brother, you just need to help us.-Thor said.

You didn't hear an answer.

The guards now made some distnace, letting you see the prisioner, he was with some sort of choker, who also covered his mouth. Why so much? That looked...Painful.

-Does he really need all of that?- you asked Steve.

-Don't underestimate him.-Was his answer.

When you turned back to the prisioner you caught him staring at you. His cold green eyes seeming to be searching your deep secrets and flaws.

You avoided looking, tried to talk wkth Wanda, but still felt his eyes on you, feeling chills on your spine.

The guards put him in the cage, took his choker and handcuffs, then left quickly and closed it, then talked with Tony for a second and left.

Tony turned to you all.

-So...Most of you already know. This is Loki.-He pointed to the man on the inside- He is going to help us about the energy sourc found in the weapon. Before any of you ask, this cage prohibits him from any using type of power or breaking the glass.

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