chapter 8 AVENGERS ^O^

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Hello there! I really hope you are liking this book, please comment for me to know your opinion, feedbacks etc.♡ By the way, a gif of Nat because I love her so much.
Enough talking, let's go.


It's been 3 weeks you have been working for Stark. But nothing special happened actually, you were always taking care of paperwork, sometimes you'd go with him to meetings, or reunions, but until then nothing related to the Avengers.

Pepper had already gone to India, according to Tony she arrived there safe and was already working.

Everyday was the same. You'd wake up, get ready, grab something to eat at the bakery, say bye to Manuel and Sarah and go with Happy. At work, you'd enter the elevator, wich, everyday, you saw Bucky, sometimes Steve with him, you'd say Good morning, have small talk woth each other and then part ways. After that, go to your office, receive calls, and later join Stark on some meeting.

But that day was different.

You arrived at the tower and went to the elevator, but Bucky wasn't there. You felt different. It was weird with him not there, maybe you got used to his presence, and his usual "Good morning Y/N, what iron ass asked you to do today?" And if Steve was there he would say "Bucky have manners. Good morning Miss Y/L/N, how are you doing?" With that polite way to talk.

You went to your office, in silence, but there was a small note above your desk:

"Go to floor -2th, press de number 1, two times and the button 0 three times at the elevator."


-We have underground floors?-You said to yourself confused.

Even not understanding you went to the elevator and pressed the buttons. The door closed, some sort of facial scan appeared and analized you,after that the elevator lights turned green and it started to move.

When the door opened you saw a big saloon with a symbol on the floor, the Avengers' symbol.

-Hello?- You asked and your voice echoed.-Mr.Stark?- No one answered.

You walked a little then someone came behind you and grabbed you, putting an arm around your throat making it hard for you to breath.

-Ah-h-You tried to scream. What was happening?

You tried to move but it was no use, the person was almost choking you to death and you still couldn't understand why. Why did that have to happen? You were just trying work!

-Romanoff it's okay she understood it already-Stark said walking towards you.

You then noticed it was Black Widow the person holding you. She stopped and walked away.

-You really have no self defense.-She mocked.

-What is going on?-You said trying to catch your breath.

-Just testing you. Since you are working for the avengers, we don't know when danger appears, you have to at least know how to defend yourself.- Tony continued.

-I thought I was just an assistant...?

-And you are, but even assistants might be in danger. Pepper knows how to fight.

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