chapter 21 I did it for you

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Hello! Things will start to go downhill so hold on tight🙃




You woke up with Bucky screaming, he was sweating a lot and looked around the room scared.

-What happened?-You put a hand on his shoulder.

His respiration was shaking, for a second you thought he wouldn't remember who you were, then he nodded saying it was nothing.

-It doesn't look like nothing.-You said.

-Just....the same as always...-He said staring at the wall like a movie repeated on his head.

You hugged him, trying to make him feel better.

-You can tell me.-You whispered.

-I remember everything...-He started sobbing- The scientists, the pain... i can still feel it.

-It's over now. You're safe now.

-Am I really? I feel like everything is against me.

-I'm here with you.

He hugged you tight.

-I want to stay with you in peace...

-Eating plums in a farm?-You joked.

-Shit you just described paradise.

You chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

-Come sleep now.-You kissed him quickly and led his head to the pillow.

-I love you Y/N.-He said and fell asleep.


These days Bucky stayed with you were actually pretty nice. But it wasn't really what you expected of "resting", like, Bucky said he would stay for 1 night, and 1 night turned into 1 week, and whem you'd say whem he would come back to the tower, he would answer "tomorrow" but the tomorrow never came.

You really liked to stay with him, he was romantic, kind, romantic again, a great conversation partner etc. He would make everyting funnier and entertaining, but still, you never expected him to be so...

Sorry for the world but... he was kind of clingy.

Like everytime he would be by yourside, like going to the market, then taking some air, reading a book, going to the bakery downstairs, every single time.

One day Sarah got annoyed with him:

-Y/N I just want to talk with you. Not him-She said.

-I know it's just...I can't leave him alone.-You tried to make her understand.

-I thought this was your holiday to rest.

-It was but...

-Y/N what are you doing?-Bucky came- Hey kid-He messed her hair- How you doin'?

-I need to talk just with Y/N.

-You can talk with me too.

-But I don't want to! This is personal.

-Bucky please...-You said.

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