chapter 62 commitment

241 10 7

Yup, robots again



The meetings today weng all well, wich was extremely good, Tony didn't complay about anything, and things at the Avengers' floor were fine.

You still tried from time to time, discover what possibly Tony and Bruce could be hiding, creating excuses to enter the lab, or try to ask about unecessary stuff to your boss just to see what he was doing at his office, unfortunetly it didn't work, it seemed like they knew what you were planning, there goes the surprise element.

Your researches weren't going far, you were stuck to that same point, there was nothing else you could find on the internet. You tried searching about your father's watch, the only thing you found interesting was that there were only limited models for that especific piece, and, they were made in Germany. The writting in it was in German, the man asked and talked wiyh you on german before he fell off the building, that couldn't be just a coincidence...right? There was even the hardest and craziest possibility, that the watch could, somehow, be related to Hydra, since it was founded during the second war by a nazi research group.

But that seemed to be VERY out of hand, there was no way your father could possibly be related to a supervillain association, he was the type of men who would get drunk in a bar and forget his wallet, and forget that he forgot the wallet, forgetting to look after it. That's how you assumed him to be actually, you never had a real familiarity with his daily life and habits to be sure.

Everything seemed to be the same until one day, while you were talking with Wanda, an emergency siren started.

-What is happening?-You asked.

-An attack, let's go to the Avengers' Floor.-She answered and you hushed to the elevator.


-What is going on?-Wanda asked as you both arrived.

-Washington heights is under attack.-Sam shouted from across the room preparing his equipment

-Those fucking robots again-Clint added.

-Hydra?-You questioned.

-There's only one way to find out-Tony said while the parts of his suit automatically ajusted in his body, no matter how many times you've seen it, you'd always get impressed by it.

Wanda hurried with the others and started preparing for the mission.

-Do you need any assistance sir?-You asked Tony.

-No Pizza, just take care of the Tower with Happy while I'm out. Oh- He lifted one finger in the air for you to pay attention- Don't even think about going out there during the attack, did you understand?

-Yes...-You agreed still reluctant.

-Good.-He tapped your shoulder and went after Natasha to talk about something.

You couldn't help but have a bad feeling about all of that, why suddenly an attack? What Hydra was planning this time? You were so immersed in thoughts that you didn't even notice when Bucky appeared by your side.

-You okay?-He spoke to you.

-Just...Wondering why this all of sudden.-You answered.

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