chapter 70 she

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And she was there, her long hair wich once was on her waist, now was short on the height of her ears, her skin aged and tanned, she probably spent time on the beach, the clithes were modern and all messed up on her body, like she didn't care,  that cynical and sarcastic look in her eyes, while her gestures were the same, humiliating any one near her, with that accent on her raspy voice.

-Hello...daughter.-She spoke like those were the weirdest words in the world, and, for the two of you, they were.

-You're...You're really here.-The world continued to spin around you.

-Of course I'm here, are you on drugs?-She mocked taking the a pair of red sunglasses off her face- Now, aren't you inviting me to come in?

The words couldn't even get out of your mouth, you didn't see her in such a long time, and now, all of sudden, she appeared in your life again, acting like nothing happened. She just continued chewing the gum in her mouth in an annoying and continued noise.

-That's...Your mother?-Steve asked holding your shoulders.

-I know, I look like her sister.-She bragged- And you are?

-What are you doing here?-I asked before Steve could answer.

She looked at me and frowned offended:

-So now I can't visit my daughter when I want to?

-No, you can't if you don't care about her it's been 12 years.-You answered sharply.

She looked around the people around you, staring curious at your conversation.

-You really want to make a scene?-She dared you.

-There must be a reason you came here...-You said between your teeth.

-Y/N...-Steve helf your hand and calmed you, while your mom observed interested in your attitude.

-What is going on here?-You heard his footsteps on the clean floor, the crowd aparted pretending they didn't want to know about the situation- Who is this woman?-Tony asked when he was already by your side.

-Darcy Y/L/N, Y/N's mother-She standed her hand but Tony didn't shake it, she pretended it wasn't her intention and kept it cool.

-Is it true Y/N? This woman's your mother?-Tont glanced at you serious.

You took a dedp breath, the woman in front of you impacient, nothing unusual, she has always bedn like that, you knew it pretty well.

-Yes...That's...That's my mother.

Tony had a concerned expression, Steve squeezed your hand in a way to say everhthing would be alright, while your Darcy looked victorious in your direction:

-So, where the hell do you live here?


You opened the door carrying her bags inside your room, she stared at the furniture, grabbed some objects and continued with the gum on her mouth.

-Damn! You really upgraded since the last time I saw you...-She looked interested in the pot you put your jewels, you grabbed it took it away from her eyes.

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