𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲 - 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑦

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Jaxon's POV

You would believe Dean wanting to come here meant he was urgent to see his daughter who has been through hell and back but no. I already knew he would be wanting to go ahead with the deal, Me taking over. I hadn't told Emily about any of it yet, I hadn't had chance.Emily insisted I delay her father coming so I can rest and I did but she has been off. she has barely spoke to me. Not like I can blame her.

She had lay with me and held me tight and had barely left my side but she didn't say much. She wasn't herself not like I expected her to be after everything she has been through.A part of me wants to know what he put her through but I know it will make me sick to my stomach.

I was done resting Emily was out in the garden and I used that as my chance to get out of bed. I walked into my office and sat down and noticed her letter was out on the desk. I remember reading it everyday over and over wishing that she would just walk back through the door.I had never been in that much pain before.

"Your supposed to be resting" A voice spoke and I look up to see Emily in the door way. Shit.

"I read it everyday" I tell her lifting the letter and she looks down at the floor. I know it must of broke her to write.

"Why did you leave?" I ask her and she raises her head to look at me. It may seem like a stupid question to her but it's one that has been on my mind.

I look at her ,waiting for her to answer. She almost looks confused by my question but I want to know. In the letter she makes out she ran away because she thought that was what was best but I know there's more. It frustrates me how selfish she was. She never had to leave not after everything. Did she think I would just move on? did she really think that her words in that letter wouldn't break me completely?

I look at her as she stands there frozen and stares at me blankly.

"Em do you have any idea how broken I was when I read that, after that night we shared everything had finally fell into place and you broke that... If you hadn't left mikhail never would have found you... YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO LEAVE!" I shout and her eyes fill up with tears as she stands There listening to every word.

"He was going to hurt the people I love" she says and turns to walks out.


He was going to hurt who?

Thomas walks in and looks concerned which means he probably passed em.

"What the fuck did you say to her?!" he snaps. Great just what I need.

"I wanted answers... I wanted to know why she left because mikhail never would have even got hold of her if she had just stayed with me" I explain and look back down at the letter.

"You really are stupid!" he shouts as he paces back and forth. How am I stupid? for what? wanting answers.

"She didn't leave because she didn't want you she left because she was saving you!" He told me and my heart dropped. What?

He was going to hurt the people I love.
She meant me.

"I dont-" I started to say then Thomas interrupts.

"I spoke to her last night as much as I could anyway... He had called her and threatened her with your life if she didn't hand herself over"

"He had men seconds away from killing you and her handing herself over to that monster was the only way" he adds.

It wasn't I would of done something I would of done anything to prevent her going with him. Even if it meant me being killed.

She didn't want to leave me she just wanted to save me.

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